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Smok RSST Genesis Atomiser (AC9 Clone) - 1st Impressions

Dug out me Dremmel-a-like and using one of the pointy filey-type attachments made the hole an ickle bigger - only took a few seconds ;)

Airier draw - but better Vapour Production - seems to have acquired a slight whistle tho

I was getting some possible wicking issues yesterday when i got to about a third full: dry hits, glowing coils etc, but put this down to a combination of fresh wick and 70/30 VG/PG juice. Since the airhole expansion tho, i've ahd no problems and am currently trying to see if i can vape the tank dry - only a mm to go ;)

So the increased airflow has possibly aided the RSST's wicking ability too :D
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As I had an AC9, I had to try this out, and on the cheaper end of rebuildable tanks, the ease of set up knocks the agas sideways, it is wicking fine for me with airhole as is at about 1/5th of a tank full, 50/50 juice, straw style wick, 4 wrap .20 kanthal coil.
The flavour ain't as lip-smackingly awesome as the AC9, yet it is very good, and the quality of the build and feel and look of the device really does not stand up to the original, BUT, with the AC9, you would get the rare dot of liquid from the bottom connection, none so far with this. Well worth the money, plus discount, from ecigwizards, I'd say.

One thing i have noticed and worth a mention - if i screw the RSST down onto the Dingo and then later go to unscrew it - the RSST base wants to stay in place and unscrew from the tank - so worth taking an ickle bit of care ;)

Aside from that watching the Chelsea v United cup game - and have to exhale to the side or i can't see the screen till the Vape clears - so that'll be the larger sir intake then :D
Just wrapped me first coil with Kanthal Ribbon - 0.5mm x 0.1mm (0.02" x 0.004") - from The Mesh Company in their recent sale - 10m for £3.75 delivered + 5m+ of .2 Kanthal as a surprise bonus ;)

4 wraps on 500 mesh wrapped around a needle - and came in at 1.2 Ohms- easiest coil i've made - no hotspots and Vapour Production similar to the 0.8 coil i took off - not as warm but a good Soft, Dense Shape to the Vape - Flavour OK tho hopefully will improve once it's bedded in a bit.

So far a really good combination - RSST + 500 mesh + Ribbon Kathal + Dingo 18650 + DIY M+P's Virginia Fire Cured at 65/35 VG/PG :woohoo:
Just wrapped me first coil with Kanthal Ribbon - 0.5mm x 0.1mm (0.02" x 0.004") - from The Mesh Company in their recent sale - 10m for £3.75 delivered + 5m+ of .2 Kanthal as a surprise bonus ;)

4 wraps on 500 mesh wrapped around a needle - and came in at 1.2 Ohms- easiest coil i've made - no hotspots and Vapour Production similar to the 0.8 coil i took off - not as warm but a good Soft, Dense Shape to the Vape - Flavour OK tho hopefully will improve once it's bedded in a bit.

So far a really good combination - RSST + 500 mesh + Ribbon Kathal + Dingo 18650 + DIY M+P's Virginia Fire Cured at 65/35 VG/PG :yahoo::yahoo:
In case anyone's missed it - Phil Busardo's Review

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And Todd's Review

Got to say still impressed - haven't really used me Ivy and will be interesting to see if the Line v2 gets a look in when i get it back from Smokey ;)
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Just checked ECigWiz and they're out of stock, does anyone know where else to buy these at a good price please (29.99 at ECigWiz)?

Thanks chaps.
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