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Smok RSST help please


Nov 13, 2013
Well my RSST turned up today from Vaper Caper today.

So I made my mesh wick and wound 4 coils of 0.25 wire round it. It showed up as 1.3 omh on my SVD.

Now here's my problem, I can't get the middle 2 coils to glow at all :-( they are all evenly spaced.

Am I doing something wrong? I did forget to oxidize the wire but not the mesh.
After a bit of tinkering I got all 4 coils glowing nicely. They were to far apart.
Final result was 1.2 omhs. I'm thinking not bad for a first attempt.

Not producing as much vapour or hit as my PT2. Is this just a case of the mesh wick coming up to speed?
I love my RSST but I have opened up the air hole, put in a chamber reducer and shortened it a bit.

Standard, its ok, and as usual, it all depends on your builds and your juice.
Try a microcoil with cotton on it!
Does the number of coils make any difference to omhs / vapour production?
Yes it does, and I assume you mean number of wraps? But the answer is yes anyway if you meant number of coils.

I suggest you do some research before you go on though -you really should know what you are doing before you do it!

Check the forum, read about battery safety, ohms and wrapping coils.
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