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Smok Species - can't get it to work

Glad you're almost sorted, once you get used to DTL go back to your iStick and retry it with 70/30, it's a great backup mod.

Also you can put your Nautilus tank on either mod at low wattage (as per coil suggestion - 8 to 12 watts?)

You also get used to wide bore, too narrow on DTL will be hotter.
I read the all the thread and it took me a while to understand. First, that is a direct lung kit. If you try to mtl it will be hot, spitting and burnt flavour. Try to see if the direct inhale is for you. Give the mod a factory reset, use watts mode only and respect the designated power of the coils. Smok tanks are famous for leaking. Make sure you don't get too much juice in the mod as it will kill it and it becomes a risk also.
70/30 3mg @ 20W on the iStick is fine, I'm glad to say :) I'm getting proper flavour with the Chocolate Milk (like a McDonalds choc milkshake), whereas everything was insipid before. Lessons learned :)
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If you're gonna use that kit you need to learn how to vape it correctly. MTL and DTL are very different animals. And don't go changing the resistance values. The mod will read and set the resistance. Leave it at what it sets. But if it ever asks you the question "new coil?" always put YES.

So is 18W too high for the Aspire Nautilus Mini with 1.6Ohm coil, on the iStick? I can still get decent flavour at 16W/14.5W, but at 12W the flavour virtually disappears. Don't want to burn out the kit but I'm just so happy to have finally got some flavour. Don't mind getting through coils more quickly, and I understand they'll get clogged more quickly with 70/30 juice; just don't want it to be dangerous.
So is 18W too high for the Aspire Nautilus Mini with 1.6Ohm coil, on the iStick? I can still get decent flavour at 16W/14.5W, but at 12W the flavour virtually disappears. Don't want to burn out the kit but I'm just so happy to have finally got some flavour. Don't mind getting through coils more quickly, and I understand they'll get clogged more quickly with 70/30 juice; just don't want it to be dangerous.
18w is fine. Perfectly safe.
Thanks - I'll have a play. Maybe I just expect too much flavourwise.

If there’s no flavour below 12w, I’m thinking it’s not a 1.6ohm coil. Is it possible it’s a 0.7ohm coil?
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