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Smok Terminator


Sep 1, 2013
So I got one these buggers. I got spare heads for it but I really fancy trying to rebuild. Just because I can. I have been looking at various sites to try aid see if you can use regular kanthal or if it has to ne nr-r-nr and cant seem to find the answer.

Help please.
I know what u mean!

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Was going to link my help page... :)

You can use straight Kanthal though it's *lots* easier to use NoRes-Res-NoRes wires as the no res wire is thinner and easier to get the centre post + positive wire inside the ceramic cup thingy (which is the hardest bit of the rebuild)

Last time I checked StealthVape are the best place to get premade NR-R-NR wires from.

Edit to add: there should be a link on that page to Todds video on rebuilding the Killer 705 (which the Terminator is a clone of) video.

Rebuilding a TT is exactly like that, but getting the centre post into the ceramic cup is a lot more tricky that it is on the original. So much so that it's a giant PITA to do with straight kanthal, especially if you're using thicker gauge wire.
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Or pm me and I'll send u some;-)

Sent from my HTC One S using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
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