The big thing for me was not starting out with an "all or nothing" attitude. I vaped, but still smoked when I wanted - I just found that the vaping meant I only wanted to smoke 4 or 5 a day, with no effort on my part. No pressure (which would've just served as a barrier to switching). I still do smoke those 4 or 5, but I've not beat myself up about it, as every day that's 12-15 not smoked, but the desire to drop those last cigs has increased in the last 2 or 3 months, and I hope to do so in the Spring.
One thing I do find that, whereas in the past, the last thing I would ever forget to take out with me was my fags (and if driving, that was impossible, as the first thing I'd do was light up as I started the car) - now it's the vaping gear that is never far from my side, and I often leave for work realising I've no cigarettes with me - which I just shrug off and replace with the ecig (because of vaping restrictions at work, 2 or 3 of the cigs I have are there usually).
I joined the forum the day I got my ego/CE4 blister pack in the market (I'd tried and bored of cig-a-likes a few months earlier) - so the one advice I tend to give others who have been lucky/sensible enough to join POTV before purchasing their first kit would be to not bother with the CE4 and go straight for an Evod or iclear 16 as a first clearo (or one of the glass Kanger tanks if cost isn't an issue). Ego batteries are fine to start with, and won't be redundant as back-ups if/when you upgrade later.
Welcome to the madhouse!