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Snap crackle and pop!


Oct 2, 2015
I have been building on the wotofo serpent for a few months now and I really like the RTA I must say. I'm using 23 gauge kanthal firing at 0.3 ohms, flavour and vapour are both great. Only thing is I do get a bit of a pop and crackle when I fire it up from time to time, this makes no effect on the flavour or vapour but I just wondered if there was a way to eliminate this or does is just happen to everyone? This is the first rebuildable I have used so it's a bit of a new thing to me! Thanks in advance.
it's quite normal, it's just your liquid heating up
you just notice it more with different coils and atomizers
Happens to me a lot on my tmv2 especially at the higher end of wattages
Only just got into RBAs a couple of weeks ago and my first Kayfun V4 build crackled and popped immediately on hitting the fire button - I would wait a second until it had died down before taking a hit.
I saw somewhere that this can be due to not enough cotton going through the coil, but what do I know.
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