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some wrap for vamo?


Nov 9, 2013
is there anything out there that can be put on a vamo v5 to stop it slipping out of your hand??
i bought a vamo v5 for my dad and he loves it , its nice and chunky enough for his massive hands but he has artheritus (cant spell it lol) and cant always grip that well so a few times its just sliped out of his hand. any ideas or comments welcome x
p.s i did offer to super glue it to his hand but for some reason wasnt keen on the idea lol
J wraps and vapor skinz do them,not sure if enough texture in them to aid grip though. Will be available I'm sure-maybe sports suppliers?(racquet grips etc? Aesthetically challenging tho I expect:-)
elastic bands would work as a temp fix until someone steps in with a better idea.
What about stretching a piece of that dash top anti slip rubber mesh around it and sewing it up to stay there,unobtrusive and easily changed
Or you could maybe get him a vambrace from http://www.hengestandhorsa.com/ i bought one custom made for £40, would highly recommend them, i will be doing a review on them soon.
It is made from leather and they do designs to order.
Failing any specific solutions such as non slip wraps from Jwraps, then handlebar tape from a cycle shop should do the job...
@Tubbyengineer funny i was just looking at handle bar tape and non slip tape for stairs lol the jwraps are nice but dont think they gunna stop the slip.
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