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Squonk Check

That colour should give people fair warning.... Great little squonk... love mine with a Narda or hadaly on it... Good size and very well made..
I'm in two mind's. I think you've had the same dilemma gerry. I've got the cash to buy the beautiful mvapes twin 18650 vv/vw sqonk mod but I know I will worry when leaving the house. I know thats not much these day's but still. The idea of the kanger dripbox 160 doesn't much apeal but the new geekvape 100w dual 18650 looks like it will do the job well and I wouldn't be worried about dropping it. So I am waiting til after Christmas to decide.
I'm in two mind's. I think you've had the same dilemma gerry. I've got the cash to buy the beautiful mvapes twin 18650 vv/vw sqonk mod but I know I will worry when leaving the house. I know thats not much these day's but still. The idea of the kanger dripbox 160 doesn't much apeal but the new geekvape 100w dual 18650 looks like it will do the job well and I wouldn't be worried about dropping it. So I am waiting til after Christmas to decide.
Octopus different quality, I do take it out of the house and I do take my Rockmodz but if im going on the piss with 3dj and its going to get messy I wouldnt.. Mods are for using and not hiding away at home.. you take your phone out and that probably costs more than the mod... If you want regulated the DNA200 Halcyon is very good and well built imo, not like the VT inbox thing
Octopus different quality, I do take it out of the house and I do take my Rockmodz but if im going on the piss with 3dj and its going to get messy I wouldnt.. Mods are for using and not hiding away at home.. you take your phone out and that probably costs more than the mod... If you want regulated the DNA200 Halcyon is very good and well built imo, not like the VT inbox thing
Thanks Gerry. I don't own a phone they are the devils work.
@kamido @eyeball kid

I do not do 'the facebook' either that is why I ordered an L'Octopus for my xmas present from my wife. Not cheap but very good, I had the chance to try @city461 's one and I liked it. The best part is you can just buy it from a shop got mine from www.youvape.fr/

thank you so much for giveing me a nudge on this one i did order one of the clone frankenskull but after seeing that they may have a shorting/venting problem i dont want to use it just incase but as luck whould have it a rockmod came up in the classys so bought that to and just need a bf atty to go on top of it :) so im now on a self imposed buying vape ban because i keep buying way to much stuff but with that said they look nice and may get one for my birthday even tho thats a few months away
Ah. It was a beautiful day for a picnic. And because we had our hats on we where invisible. It may surprise you to know that in front of that couple, but behind the radio equipment. Under the floating tin foil is me.
Octopus different quality, I do take it out of the house and I do take my Rockmodz but if im going on the piss with 3dj and its going to get messy I wouldnt.. Mods are for using and not hiding away at home.. you take your phone out and that probably costs more than the mod... If you want regulated the DNA200 Halcyon is very good and well built imo, not like the VT inbox thing
Yeah, the only problem being, the Halcyon is so hard to get hold of, they are now £150+
Nothing wrong with the vt inbox though, IMHO.
But of course, it's only my opinion! [emoji1]
Yeah, the only problem being, the Halcyon is so hard to get hold of, they are now £150+
Nothing wrong with the vt inbox though, IMHO.
But of course, it's only my opinion! [emoji1]
True not the easiest to find but easy in the states.. I got a guy that goes over all the time so mine came from over there with the Malstrom rda for about £115... The vt inbox doors piss me off... they have a little movement in them...Cant really complain at £62 from gearbest but if i had paid £115 like a UK vendor sells them at I wouldnt be happy... its size is nice though..
There is I believe a guy on fleabay selling the halcyon with the Malstrom and with shipping to the UK at a cheap price but ive not seen it or checked TBH but i believe its about £130 all in....
True not the easiest to find but easy in the states.. I got a guy that goes over all the time so mine came from over there with the Malstrom rda for about £115... The vt inbox doors piss me off... they have a little movement in them...Cant really complain at £62 from gearbest but if i had paid £115 like a UK vendor sells them at I wouldnt be happy... its size is nice though..
There is I believe a guy on fleabay selling the halcyon with the Malstrom and with shipping to the UK at a cheap price but ive not seen it or checked TBH but i believe its about £130 all in....
They are harder to find now and the spare batteries even more so. May stick with the m vale a and as gerry said just enjoy it. It's battery life I'm after. The wraith is great with the hadaly running at 25 watts but when I want some big area coil high watts I need a bit more battery.
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