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This is a personal review of a product I either bought or received free of charge. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website,
Manufacturer: Unknown
Supplier: LT Ecigs
Price £19.32 - 10% discount (Nett)
I have decided that I would like to try some mech mods, as the only one I own is the UDT-L and whilst its a good little workhorse, I wanted to try some more. I decided to purchase this one, solely because of the price, and it has a bottom firing button. Now it is advertised as a 18350/500/650 mod.
Upon receipt, my impressions were of pleasant surprise, as it came in a nice white magnetic box, and is brushed SS and feels quite solid and weighty.
Also in the box was an unbranded and unprotected 18650 2200mAh battery, this raised fears both of safety and I would of expected to see a 18350 battery instead.

As I had the 18650 in my hand, I thought I would compare it in size to the UDT-L in 18650 mode: -

As you can see it is slightly lower.
The height in 18650 mode is 103mm
Now I decided to put in a 18350 battery, and this is where the first problem was encountered, it doesnt work in 18350!! I tried 3 different batteries, and it would not fire, so a temporary solution, was to cut off the end of a battery spacer, and use that: -

I got it to work, but is it a satisfactory solution........NO.
The height in 18350 mode is 81mm.
Now we come to problem 2, the threading on the top, is very deep: -

Not much would fit on there, and an EVOD wont even screw on!! I got a Vivi Nova and a X8 tank to work: -

Now due to the diameter at the top to be 22.8mm tapering to 15.7mm, I didnt like the look of either tank, and managed to get the EVOD to fit: -

But I had to use this: -

Now everything else will fit, but other than the EVOD, you end up with a gap!!
I also find the bottom button to be quite stiff and hard to operate with my girly hands!!
However, my intial thoughts, is I would only really use this in 18650 mode, and with the EVOD, and its a capable bit of kit for £19.32. The threading and manufacture of the kit is of better standard than my innokin SVD.
However, if you are after a stealthy 18350 bit of kit for out and about, I suggest you move on, this isnt for you, and if you have OCD about atty gaps, or have a limited amount of tanks etc, again move along.
I am not blown away with this kit, and think the price is reasonable. Would I buy again......No.
Manufacturer: Unknown
Supplier: LT Ecigs
Price £19.32 - 10% discount (Nett)
I have decided that I would like to try some mech mods, as the only one I own is the UDT-L and whilst its a good little workhorse, I wanted to try some more. I decided to purchase this one, solely because of the price, and it has a bottom firing button. Now it is advertised as a 18350/500/650 mod.
Upon receipt, my impressions were of pleasant surprise, as it came in a nice white magnetic box, and is brushed SS and feels quite solid and weighty.
Also in the box was an unbranded and unprotected 18650 2200mAh battery, this raised fears both of safety and I would of expected to see a 18350 battery instead.

As I had the 18650 in my hand, I thought I would compare it in size to the UDT-L in 18650 mode: -

As you can see it is slightly lower.
The height in 18650 mode is 103mm
Now I decided to put in a 18350 battery, and this is where the first problem was encountered, it doesnt work in 18350!! I tried 3 different batteries, and it would not fire, so a temporary solution, was to cut off the end of a battery spacer, and use that: -

I got it to work, but is it a satisfactory solution........NO.
The height in 18350 mode is 81mm.
Now we come to problem 2, the threading on the top, is very deep: -

Not much would fit on there, and an EVOD wont even screw on!! I got a Vivi Nova and a X8 tank to work: -

Now due to the diameter at the top to be 22.8mm tapering to 15.7mm, I didnt like the look of either tank, and managed to get the EVOD to fit: -

But I had to use this: -

Now everything else will fit, but other than the EVOD, you end up with a gap!!
I also find the bottom button to be quite stiff and hard to operate with my girly hands!!
However, my intial thoughts, is I would only really use this in 18650 mode, and with the EVOD, and its a capable bit of kit for £19.32. The threading and manufacture of the kit is of better standard than my innokin SVD.
However, if you are after a stealthy 18350 bit of kit for out and about, I suggest you move on, this isnt for you, and if you have OCD about atty gaps, or have a limited amount of tanks etc, again move along.
I am not blown away with this kit, and think the price is reasonable. Would I buy again......No.