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stay alert is it the new stay at home

Come on people. Read between the lines.
Boris has had the virus so thinks he's immune. He only cares about the economy now, not us lesser mortals.
Get back to work and stop claiming benefits. [emoji6]


The government had already spent a fortune on the new slogan before they realised it was crap, probably lining the pockets of the same printers that did the millions of household letters.

To save money on the next slogan they might as well use an old one:


So many things already printed out there sat in closed shops that the government can waste cash on - win win.

Right I'm off to play a round of Golf with my 'Brother-in-law' cough cough.
Is it a secret red bull advert?

And then Tory Central Office had to correct his statements. Yet more disjointed communication spreading confusion. They'd struggle to make a more ham-fisted job of this atm.

The procedure is simple: Brief presentation, Q&A session, online documentation, questions in parliament, then MPs tour news and radio studios. They skipped steps 2, 3, and 4...and refused to provide MPs to almost all breakfast shows.

Workers were told to go to work today without providing guidance to employers or saying what would happen to those who rely on public transport and childcare. Then they were told it's not till Wednesday. Families were told they could meet up. Then they were told they can't. It's an absolute fucking joke. Do these fuckers even talk to each other?
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