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Steam engine help


Mar 2, 2016
Hi everyone,

I made my first fused clapton today 2 X 22 gauge with 32 gauge outer. It's a bit of a proof of concept as I have no mod or atty to use it in (currently only have a mvp 3.0 pro 60w).
I'm still relatively new to coil building for my velocity clone.

Looking at steam engine is this coil a 6 wrap or is it 6/7 as steam engine calls them?
I'm sure it's a 0.2 ohm coil. Am I correct? .. it's a 3 mm Id


Now you have just thrown my reasoning out the window. I thought you count one complete turn from where the coil begins.
#confused lol
I'd go 7/6. Count on top of coil (bottom left of picture) and get 7. Count underneath coil, between legs (top right of picture), you get 6
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Not 100% sure on the correct term.
It is a true 6.5 wrap.
Because legs are same side it is 6.5 - 7 on top, 6 underneath.
Some tanks need opposing leg sides, others same side.

I would call this a 7 wrap also.
That's my take anyway!
Thanks guys
I would call it a 7 wrap thinking about it now. Although @johnr7 I agree with you on the 6.5 wrap. I guess it becomes a true 7 if the legs point in different directions.
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