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Steamcrave ragnar rdta muted flavour

Vapefly mesh is usually cheaper than other mesh as is Steam Crave which a lot of Mesh vapers don't like but i don't mind. I thought RDTA was a RDA with a Tank.
I'd say the Wattage is your problem. 48 Watts is plenty for a single coiler, but nowhere near enough for a 35mm tank with dual coils - I'd suggest 80 Watts is closer to the mark. Try 60 to start with, with reduced airflow, and increase the wattage by 5 watt increments (opening up the airflow if necessary) until you find a happy medium. Big dual coil tanks and low power aren't a good combination. Don't be overly cautious about increasing the wattage as the tank can cope with it easily. If you want to vape at medium power settings the optional single coil deck is more suitable - the dual needs more than you are giving it.
Have never tried swag so cannot compare really but i am happy enough with CG.
Thanks, for that, it is a great help, andypandi, said, swag, was not 100% cotton, part rayon) so I'll, change that also, it's good, advice, iv'e been handed, some good suggestions here, yours especially, I'll, also, get the mesh deck out, and give that a go. What coils, would, you personally use, yourself? Regards Vandervape.
Thanks, for that, it is a great help, andypandi, said, swag, was not 100% cotton, part rayon) so I'll, change that also, it's good, advice, iv'e been handed, some good suggestions here, yours especially, I'll, also, get the mesh deck out, and give that a go. What coils, would, you personally use, yourself? Regards Vandervape.
For the mesh deck 100% Wotofo Clapton.S the S is important as they do similar named strip's.
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