I've read a lot of conflicting things about steeping and I'm confused..
What is the best way to steep that doesn't take weeks ?
Do I just leave it in a dark place with the lid off ?
Two things are happening when you steep e-liquid.
Firstly and most importantly the nictotine is reacting (oxidising) with the flavours and this alters the flavours, typically it makes them softer and more mellow.
Secondly the e-liquid is thoroughly and evenly mixing.
The biggest difference is caused by the reaction of the nicotine and like any other chemical reaction it can be speeded up. Heat, UV light, and extra oxygen will all speed it up.
There are lots of ways to heat up your liquid. Avoid microwaving it as it's really easy to overheat it and damage the flavours or worse turn your bottle into a mini e-liquid volcano. you don't want that.
You can add extra oxygen by using a milk frother (puts millions of tiny bubbles into it) shaking it a lot (puts lots of bubbles into it too) or leaving the top off.
You can bathe it in UV light by sticking it on the windowledge in some sunshine (not so easy when it's raining lots) or sticking it in front of a UV light.
Some methods use a combination of two or more of these things but those are the three factors that speed up the oxidation process.
Proper mixing of the e-liquid takes time. while you can easily mix things nice and evenly the oxidising process is continually creating different chemicals in the liquid that will then need mixing.
The easiest way to steep something is to put it in a warm place, open the lid to let some fresh air in and give it a shake every few days and in 2 weeks you're all good.
If you are steeping things with the lid off make sure you keep the bottles locked away and out of the reach of children.