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Feb 17, 2015
After some excellent advice on an earlier thread I am near enough ready to take the plunge into DIY juices.

My concern is how long & how do I leave juices to steep? Do they need to steep? If I use a flavour concentrate from say vampire tape does that also need steeping?

On another note is there much difference between VG & PG nic base? All I can see is that the PG can be frozen if required?
Unless you are aiming for a high vg mix that can not be achieved with a pg base then my advise is go with pg because it has a longer shelf life whether you freeze it or not.
As for steeping. mix it, try it leave it for a few days, try it again, leave it for a couple of weeks, try it again etc. Decide what you prefer. Some people will like it fresh others will prefer it after x amount of time.
I feel everything need steeping, if only for one day as is the case with fruit mixes. Any sort of custard, cream, tobacco I leave for at least 3 months, but everyone has a preference.

Make your mixes and try them at regular intervals. You may find you like everything fresh.

Apart from the freezing, it's down to what ratio you like your VG/PG. The amount in the nic could be significant in your mixes.
I feel everything need steeping, if only for one day as is the case with fruit mixes. Any sort of custard, cream, tobacco I leave for at least 3 months, but everyone has a preference.

Make your mixes and try them at regular intervals. You may find you like everything fresh.

Apart from the freezing, it's down to what ratio you like your VG/PG. The amount in the nic could be significant in your mixes.

I typically go for a 60/40 pg mix or 50/50. I found that the 80/20 vg juice I had started lacking in flavour.
Adding 10% distilled water to your vg helps stop your vg stealing the flavours and makes it easier to work with.
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