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Still craving Tobacco!!!!!!

Oh i just like to add as well if you do have one don't beat your self up about it, it happens and it's not an easy habit to kick. also on reflection of it I think my cravings are mostly because of curiosity and wondering what it would taste like now.
started vapeing in dec on 24mg am still on that strengh and have had no craving for cigs...hope you stick with it ..JIm
if they taste as bad as they smell im sooooo glad i kicked that chit, i still get the odd craving but i know im through the worst of it. dont give up on giving up as the cravings get few and far between.....good luck !!!!
You have come so far with vaping. Its a massive change for you and your body to go through. Get some pokier juice for them moments.

Agree with what has been said above. Ive took a delivery of 36mg for them shitty times as 24 wouldnt do it.

Get me away from the crap and im a 18mg all day vaper!
You have come so far with vaping. Its a massive change for you and your body to go through. Get some pokier juice for them moments.

Agree with what has been said above. Ive took a delivery of 36mg for them shitty times as 24 wouldnt do it.

Get me away from the crap and im a 18mg all day vaper!

Thanks Pepper. Are there a lot of vendors who sell 34mg? Do you have any links please, might need to try that!!!!!! I notice they usually only go up to 24mg...
Similar to Oldscroller ^^ for me. I had a moment maybe three weeks in or so where I saw some workmates smoking and I just didn't want one anymore. And by the end of my (33 year) smoking days I was a 40-a-day man on Embassy Filter (not quite Capstan Full Strength but still a fairly strong fag). I wouldn't smoke one now if you gave me a tenner to!

Stick with it mate. The sheer amount of hardened smokers who've discovered vaping and not gone back speaks volumes. Maybe everyones' timescale is different.
Straight swap for me, never looked back, the smell of a ciggy makes me gag now, hang on in there!!
Once I found a good flavour with the right nicotine level, my cravings stopped pretty much straight away
Good luck :O)
Vaping50 i got my batch from darkstar who is selling them at 1.50 a bottle ;) but i know you ave to be careful wit your pg/vg.

Darkstar are being ad in the bargain but of the classies x
I went str8 from smoking 30 a day to vaping, I didn't even no I was going to lol, bought an e-cig and had a rollie while I was getting it set up then that was me sorted, still got pouch of tobacco in my cupboard but haven't touched it since the first drag on my e-cig, haven't even craved that horrid taste, vaping custard, chocolate, blueberry flavoured e-liquid is much more satisfying to me, that was 7 weeks ago and now I have the VTR which is my New best friend :-)
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