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Review Strawberry Custard Cream by DripworX


Jul 14, 2013
I've just checked something.....

On the 18th of July 2015 I was sent my first "dripworx". It was one of 2 samples that Lee sent me. The first being 'Pink lemonade' and the 2nd was 'strawberry custard cream'

They were sent in little 10ml bottles, with the name written on paper and sellotaped to the bottle. Lee also sent a note along with it saying "please be honest" :)

As it happens, it turned out to be decent :) and if it wasn't for the fact that Lee had just had a little Boy, we might have had dripworx a little earlier :)

When Lee launched I was all over this, as well as pink lemonade...they were both ADV'S...and as time went on, and with Lee getting the range to where it is today, I kind of neglected it a little....

And so dear friends....I have to say I have sinned....by not ordering this every time I Placed an order :(

I forgot how creamy and delish this is......I forgot how subtle the strawberry is blended.....and I forgot how amazballs the custard is that literally dances of your tongue (ok...I'm exaggerating a bit there....it's more like angels dancing)

I ordered the biggest bottle I could from www.dripworx.co.uk last week BEFORE Lee put the discount up (bastard) :)

But all is not lost...ive just worked out that if I buy another lot of "holiday" juice using the discount code FRESH20 I'll save 20% on orders over £30 AND get free shipping...and Tina...if your reading this, with the money I've saved you can have a spare ironing board cover....and not any ordinary one....no no no.....no Aldi special price one....you will be getting a full on top of the line "Minky" ironing board cover....just like the one you've always said you have wanted to own....

So guys (and @3dj ) do your marriage a favour...order a load of juice and with the money you save you to can WOW you wife/girlfriend or lover with something they've always wanted....in a range of colours and materials www.minkyironingnoardcovers.co.uk
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Sorry dude, don't want to
Piss on your firework but your date means you don't get them first two 10ml bottles until tomorrow [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji848]
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