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Strike !

By scraping at the leg all you're effectively doing is removing some of the kanthal which helps to balance the ohms of the coils. I'd imagine this would only work if they were pretty close to start with. Personally rather than risk vaping tiny bits of kanthal I just build them properly in the first place (hopefully) and if they are slightly out I leave them. To be honest I don't dual coil that often and when I do they always seem to be close enough anyway.

Sounds like you've got a bit of CDO and from a fellow sufferer, I feel your pain.

By scraping at the leg all you're effectively doing is removing some of the kanthal which helps to balance the ohms of the coils. I'd imagine this would only work if they were pretty close to start with. Personally rather than risk vaping tiny bits of kanthal I just build them properly in the first place (hopefully) and if they are slightly out I leave them. To be honest I don't dual coil that often and when I do they always seem to be close enough anyway.

Sounds like you've got a bit of CDO and from a fellow sufferer, I feel your pain.


What can i tell ya ? It is what it is. I was watching some youtube video about an atty & the guy rebuilding it for demo purposes got to that stage in the build & then said "Right, now i am going to strike the coils" & then that's what he did.
I'm all ears for new trick & like i said, i havn't heard anyone mention it before.

I don't suffer with COD & i'm a member of the DNA.
I simply build each coil and install one and check the resistance before removing it and installing the other thus making certain that they are exactly the same resistance,before then reinstalling the 2nd coil.The end result is always both coils are within 0.05 ohms of each other and usually even closer.They both fire instantly and equally(or as instantly as 0.5 mm or 1 mm ribbon can be made to fire)without further tweaking,though I expect that a slightly less experienced coil winder might need tweak their coils some. :P
Thing is, i don't fuck about. The coils get wrapped around two equal size rivets & put in the atty, then i fire it & squeeze 'em till they're good, that's all. Then that bloke on the video said about striking them & my ears pricked up like "Wha ?"
Thought i'd give it a go, not one to be dismissive & all that. Tried it on my following build & hey presto. You don't scuff at them or anything, it's just a light provocation & there's less messing than all the squeezing. I'm all for making life easier.
Before i shared the idea i tried it on a few dual builds & it works. No ocd, no childish games or unnecessary unwanted extras, just a tip & not even my invention.
What can i tell ya ? It is what it is. I was watching some youtube video about an atty & the guy rebuilding it for demo purposes got to that stage in the build & then said "Right, now i am going to strike the coils" & then that's what he did.
I'm all ears for new trick & like i said, i havn't heard anyone mention it before.

I don't suffer with COD & i'm a member of the DNA.

do that on a mesh build to help remove hotspots
I tried giving the missus a bit of light provocation instead of squeezing @vaporsizer and she fucking twatted me one.Keep your ideas to yourself next time M8 :( I would go with the others that most of my dual builds aint far away, but I will most certainly follow your tip on my next one :2thumbsup: Can`t see this effecting @Raguri though, he probably has only two wraps to worry about, and that`s in a dual coil build.
I tried giving the missus a bit of light provocation instead of squeezing @vaporsizer and she fucking twatted me one.Keep your ideas to yourself next time M8 :( I would go with the others that most of my dual builds aint far away, but I will most certainly follow your tip on my next one :2thumbsup: Can`t see this effecting @Raguri though, he probably has only two wraps to worry about, and that`s in a dual coil build.

Hehe. Really, my dual builds are just like that, tidy & they come out damn close. I've been vaping quite happily with them before anyone mentioned this. It's not some kind of must do thing, i just thought i'd share it but it's not a woman mate & as you have found out, if you provoke one of those it's you who feels the strike ! Just don't try firing her too. :30:
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