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Stupid batteries


Oct 28, 2013
Gaaah, now both my ego batteries are acting up. I plug them in to charge and the red light comes on (though sometimes it flickers to green before it settles). After a couple of hours, the light goes green. Huzzah! They start off fine, but after half an hour or so, they're dead again. Boo. Pull up the centre pin, maybe? I'm wary of doing it too often in case I break the connection.
Just standard egos. One's from Liberty Flights, so it should be kosher.
I was really struggling to fully charge my egos on my first charger - got a couple more (chargers) and been fine since.
It seemed like a ropey connection, as I could get them to stay on charge sometimes by carefully moving them around on the charger until I could balance them in a position where the red light would stay on.

Could also have been the pin on the charger itself, but I wasn't aware at the time that this could be a cause of the problem
Ah, could be a new charger on the horizon, then. I hope I can keep limping along until Friday, or it's the emergency cig-a-likes for me. Still, at least I have a backup that isn't stinkies, and this is a fantastic excuse to buy a LOT more kit, tee hee hee.
One of two things is happening.

i) Your egos are worn out. A battery can only be recharged so many times and on it's way out it holds a lot less charge than it will have done when it was new. You should easily get 200+ charges on a Li-Ion battery and LF eGos are kosher.

If they are relatively new then

ii) Your centre pin on the eGo isn't making good enough contact with the charge cable. And 'pulling the post' on the eGo will fix it.

The centre pin on an eGo floats up and down and while you can make it looser and more prone to getting pushed in the more you pull it, you won't make it so loose that it falls out or won't stay in position any more in my experience.

Eidted to add: another problem actually might be a dirty contact on the charge cable, give the end of it a bit of a polish and that can also help.
Yeah, they're only a couple of weeks old, so it can't be that. I suspect I've been screwing the clearomisers in too hard, so I'll pull the pins up and also give the connection on the charger a bit of a wipe. Thanks!
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