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May 27, 2019
Hi, ive been using a basic ecig battery /wick clearomiser thing.but it doesnt give much nicotine hit, with the 16mg-24mg stuff.

So i thought id try sub ohm an just ordered a VAPOURIZ VBOX 40W £12.99 in their sites sale.

Thanks anyone if you can answer my questions .

Ive just bought 10 lovely tasting 16mg 88vape £1 juices.So i want to be able to use them up first. But though theres nothing on the boxes regarding the mix (seem as thick as some 50/50s ive bought) the shop Electric Tobacconist advertised them as 80 PG/20 VG. will they be ok in a sub ohm or ruin the coils, must sub ohm always be high VG?
im not a chain vaper just a few tokes in the evening when flopped on the settee.i just like a powerful nicotine hit . Will a 16mg 80 pg combination be awful?

The vbox uses a 'sub tank LITE clearomiser' . Does anyone know if theres compatible cheaper coils than the specified ones which are £12.99 for 5. Or indeed a plus ohm coil .its a fixed 40w device. if not would other plus ohm tanks be compatible. My heads pounding from trying unsuccesfully to find answers.

much thanks in advance,Rad
Hi @MINEXPLORER and welcome to the planet.

as most on here will say, we wish you had asked here first before ordering.
im guessing this is the kit you have https://www.vapouriz.co.uk/v-box-40w-sub-ohm-vape-kit.html

it is a fixed 40watt output mod so cant be turned up/down. it comes with a 0.5ohm coil which is more directed towards bigger clouds and flavour. the down side of these coils is its best with 3mg or max 6mg nicotine strength so your 16mg juice from 88 vape will be way too strong for most.
saying that most of us chug away continuously all day and night on low nic or even zero so if yu only take a few puffs now and again you might get away with it but if you start getting a headache or feel sick dont panic as its just nic overload and stopping for 30 mins to an hour it will clear.

looking at 88 their 10ml are either 50/50 or 70vg. which bottles did you buy https://www.88vape.com/
Hi @MINEXPLORER and welcome to the planet.

as most on here will say, we wish you had asked here first before ordering.
im guessing this is the kit you have https://www.vapouriz.co.uk/v-box-40w-sub-ohm-vape-kit.html

it is a fixed 40watt output mod so cant be turned up/down. it comes with a 0.5ohm coil which is more directed towards bigger clouds and flavour. the down side of these coils is its best with 3mg or max 6mg nicotine strength so your 16mg juice from 88 vape will be way too strong for most.
saying that most of us chug away continuously all day and night on low nic or even zero so if yu only take a few puffs now and again you might get away with it but if you start getting a headache or feel sick dont panic as its just nic overload and stopping for 30 mins to an hour it will clear.

looking at 88 their 10ml are either 50/50 or 70vg. which bottles did you buy https://www.88vape.com/
hi thanks ,yes thats the one.didnt want to spend much first time so it was ideal. i bought the 88vape from ELECTRIC TOBACCONIST. typing high PG into their site .it showed many brands inc the 88vape ones described as 80 PG /20 VG only 11mg or 16mg was available in that mix.it seems as thick as some brands of 50/50 ive tried.theres absolutely nothing on the bottles or boxes stating mix ratio tho.

are these boxes all the same standard thread capable of taking any tank/coil compatible with 40watts. just for info you know as i wouldnt mind knowing options for cheaper coils in the future.ive never been a serious smoker an wont be vaping enough to matter about getting loads of different mods etc,this will do me til it breaks.
just looked back on ELECTRIC TOBACCONIST site. They have 5 flavours of 50/50 88vape but also 14 flavours in 80% PG
cant help much there as ive never used any of their juice. they are vendors on here so hopefully they can advise . tagging @88Vape
I personally wouldn’t use the liquid you have in that device. The high PG content may well make it quite harsh to vape, and it could leak. High nic and PG is more suitable in a kit giving around 10w of power, not 40w.

The tank has a 510 connector, which is a standard threading, so yes, you could put another tank on the mod (battery) - but I wouldn’t advise it. You need a tank with a coil that is suitable for the fixed power the mod is supplying; if your coil resistance isn’t suitable, you’ll either get a very under-powered vape, or you’ll burn the coil out straight away.
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I personally wouldn’t use the liquid you have in that device. The high PG content may well make it quite harsh to vape, and it could leak. High nic and PG is more suitable in a kit giving around 10w of power, not 40w.

The tank has a 510 connector, which is a standard threading, so yes, you could put another tank on the mod (battery) - but I wouldn’t advise it. You need a tank with a coil that is suitable for the fixed power the mod is supplying; if your coil resistance isn’t suitable, you’ll either get a very under-powered vape, or you’ll burn the coil out straight away.
thanks leni.im going to blend some pure VG with this stuff to raise its level to 50/50 for now an prob use most of it in the pen. when i read the 'best ecig.co.uk' review the reviewer was advising the Aerotank as an alternative for plus omh use with this mod?
thanks leni.im going to blend some pure VG with this stuff to raise its level to 50/50 for now an prob use most of it in the pen. when i read the 'best ecig.co.uk' review the reviewer was advising the Aerotank as an alternative for plus omh use with this mod?

I saw that review - that seems to suggest that it’s not a fixed 40w output device, but rather the output depends on the ohms of the coils you’re using :hmm: I’ve never used this kit, so it’s difficult to advise blind, I’ll do my best!

If there are other coils available for that tank, I’m not aware of them. Usually you need to buy the coils designed by the manufacturers for tanks like this. Tbh, I think if you add VG to the liquid, you’re just going to lose flavour and nic strength, as you’re diluting them. it seems to defeat the point of buying stronger liquid.

The Vapouriz Aerotank the reviewer mentions doesn’t appear to be available anymore. If you want to try a different tank on the mod, with a higher resistance coil, something like the Innokin Endura T20 Prism tank, or an Aspire K2 or K3 would be your best bet -

I saw that review - that seems to suggest that it’s not a fixed 40w output device, but rather the output depends on the ohms of the coils you’re using :hmm: I’ve never used this kit, so it’s difficult to advise blind, I’ll do my best!

If there are other coils available for that tank, I’m not aware of them. Usually you need to buy the coils designed by the manufacturers for tanks like this. Tbh, I think if you add VG to the liquid, you’re just going to lose flavour and nic strength, as you’re diluting them. it seems to defeat the point of buying stronger liquid.

The Vapouriz Aerotank the reviewer mentions doesn’t appear to be available anymore. If you want to try a different tank on the mod, with a higher resistance coil, something like the Innokin Endura T20 Prism tank, or an Aspire K2 or K3 would be your best bet -

thanks leni.i wondered why their site didnt mention it .thanks for that info on tanks to try.

i tried adding pure VG only because the only ones i had were 16mg 70% PG,too harsh but yes no flavour now.glad were only 88vape pound jobs ,gone in the bin.its a learning curve.
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