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Based in Poynton, near Stockport. Never had an issue and I've been vaping their juices for 5-6 years.
im not 100% on this but im pretty sure they aint maybe @JohnNada will know as he is supergood fan boy ;) quick edit i was wrong im sleepy & off too bed lol

Sorry for the late reply, I don't have notifications on.

As others have confirmed they're a UK company.

They're best (post-TPD) liquids I've ever vaped, especially Butter 02 and 06. I've always got at least one bottle of each on the go (vaping 06 as I type this).

Butter 07 and 10 are nice too.

Unless Supergood themselves have an offer on their website then Legion of Vapers usually have them cheapest and include free nic shots.
Sorry for the late reply, I don't have notifications on.

As others have confirmed they're a UK company.

They're best (post-TPD) liquids I've ever vaped, especially Butter 02 and 06. I've always got at least one bottle of each on the go (vaping 06 as I type this).

Butter 07 and 10 are nice too.

Unless Supergood themselves have an offer on their website then Legion of Vapers usually have them cheapest and include free nic shots.

I ordered from Supergood Direct. I mainly wanted the Macaraz but having read yours and other apes comments on 02 Butter i decided to get a couple of 100 ml Bottles. If i like it i will probably buy more and also try a couple of others. I missed the STOPTOBER Discount code though it was right in front of me lol.
Never used any of the supergood butter range so was thinking of trying No2 what is the steep time on these after adding nic.
I always have a supply, and a bottle has probably been steeping at least a month before i get to it. No idea if it needs it though.
Never used any of the supergood butter range so was thinking of trying No2 what is the steep time on these after adding nic.
I normally leave mine a minimum 24 hrs after adding nic but have vaped straight away & tasted fine
Thanks all for your replies and letting me on how long to steep for i will give it a few days steeping like most of you say thanks again all.
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