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sweet spot

Everyone is trying to explain what their sweet spot is but not what the sweet spot actually is. No one can tell you what your sweet spot is but you'll know it when you've found it.

When you take a good long suck and the sensation you get makes your face look like you've just had an orgasm, that's your sweet spot.

Problem is, it only last about the same length as and orgasm. As soon as your coil/cart/wick or whatever your using starts to deteriate, you've lost it.
If you like a warm vape, a dct might be worth a try

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
@the jester how long you been vaping?

15 month now bud....ill be honest that im not the best at rebuilding...so simplicity for me is now cartos...kanger bottom coils or a rebuildable diver for carto tanks...always use mechs....occasionally a kicked nem but only occasionally...coil to about 1.8 ohm in the divers with mainly my orange tic tac daily vape....working for me but still needs an odd tweak occasionally.....also personally i cant stress how much better a vape is after a meal....if i havent eaten for a few hours it still tastes ok but then after a meal it is superb once you get it right :)
I find that its best for me to adjust in volts with my vivinova, but watts on a protank 3, to find their sweet spot is fairly easy but it sometimes means that after a few vapes the dreaded burnt taste arrives, i just have to make a compramise.
15 month now bud....ill be honest that im not the best at rebuilding...so simplicity for me is now cartos...kanger bottom coils or a rebuildable diver for carto tanks...always use mechs....occasionally a kicked nem but only occasionally...coil to about 1.8 ohm in the divers with mainly my orange tic tac daily vape....working for me but still needs an odd tweak occasionally.....also personally i cant stress how much better a vape is after a meal....if i havent eaten for a few hours it still tastes ok but then after a meal it is superb once you get it right :)

couldn't agree more bout after meal, my post xmas dinner vape was way better than any cig i used to smoke, i do have a diver but am yet to set it up so i may give that a try later, funny how other people can inspire you
I find that its best for me to adjust in volts with my vivinova, but watts on a protank 3, to find their sweet spot is fairly easy but it sometimes means that after a few vapes the dreaded burnt taste arrives, i just have to make a compramise.

glad its not just me that gets the dreaded burnt taste or the mouth full of juice flooded syndrome, i think maybe vv/vw is something i need to try, vw adjusts automatically but vv has to be done manually if i understand correct? the whole ohms law stuff is confusing
I ignore the science and just go by taste! You don't have to get to degree level maths and physics to enjoy it, but some people enjoy learning the scientific side as it helps predict what should be good!!

The main thing is to have fun while learning and don't get frustrated! Try to enjoy your vape and look to improve it, rather than feel you are constantly chasing for something better. I hope that makes sense.

Also, whatever you find works best for you, someone else will swear their way works better!
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