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Sxk Corrolla query on live and earth sections?


Jul 10, 2016
I was thinking of buying a sxk corrolla and watched a few videos on the tank.Im only just starting to get into rebuildables and in one of the videos (around 7min mark) , the guy mentions that the top part of the tank is live and the bottom part of the tank is the earth.If you was to touch the tank with anything metalic whilst firing then it would short out.Is this normal for all rba type tanks or just this particular one?

the video was
I was thinking of buying a sxk corrolla and watched a few videos on the tank.Im only just starting to get into rebuildables and in one of the videos (around 7min mark) , the guy mentions that the top part of the tank is live and the bottom part of the tank is the earth.If you was to touch the tank with anything metalic whilst firing then it would short out.Is this normal for all rba type tanks or just this particular one?

the video was

No only corolla if you look at it being a genysis tank the coil being right at the top it does make sense.Most rta/rdas coils are on deck at bottom.
Only really a worry if you have a ring that might touch, and you're meant t be gripping the mod not the atty.
I watched that video too when I was tempted by the Corolla. It's not usual at all (generally the body of the atty will all be negative, with the positive post isolated and connected only to the positive pin). I don't think it's an issue if you use a regulated/variable wattage mod (it would just say 'atomizer low' or similar and not fire) but it did put me off regardless!

BUT… the Corolla has been discontinued anyway and replaced by the Corolla 1.5. Having looked at videos and images, it looks to be essentially the same but with the positive post isolated and running down the central stem of the atty as normal. You can also use different glass sections to make the tank bigger or smaller.
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