I've accidently cut the red wire on the fire switchis this a easy repair? Does anyone know please?
Yer its the same as the button above, literally the red wire has just come away from the board. I'm going to take a closer look tomorrow but I'm hoping it's a case of just re soldering it back.Yes it sounds like the wire needs replaced easy enough todo
I take it you mean the one above the thick black line
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Yer its the same as the button above, literally the red wire has just come away from the board. I'm going to take a closer look tomorrow but I'm hoping it's a case of just re soldering it back.
It looks exactly like this. So I'm assuming if you bought a new one you would still have to solder it on. So I don't think I need a replacement I believe I can just solder the red wire back.
View attachment 362452
Thank youYes it will need soldered back onto the board if its just came off and Iam sure you can replace the wire if isn't long enough anything between 24 and 28 gauge wire is what you would need for that bit
And this is another fire button or pcb you can get if you can't get a og bb one
Flexi Fire Button PCB - Stealthvape
The solder pads are every 1cm and both sides so just trim to length and insulate any unused pads with kapton tape. The white solder mask circles are guides if you want to trim the top down to size and are 12mm, 10mm and 8mm diameter. If you trim the length leaving only thewww.stealthvape.co.uk