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Talk me out of it.

Chris K

Apr 13, 2017
Soooo after not buying any hardware for... Must be 6 months now since I got my Caliber X2, my shinyitis is starting to itch again.

I keep eyeing up the ModDog Pulsar Squonk... Seen a few pass through classifieds at what I consider a bargain price (£130 - £170) and I'm now actively searching...

Someone talk me out of it. I know I have plenty of hardware and have a mod/RDA combo for everyday of the week... But... The Pulsar looks so good... Do I move something on and get one? Do I just get one? Or do I be sensible and not bother, treating myself to something none vape related instead?

Help me!
Can only see active encouragement happening here, DO IT!

I think you should treat yourself to a nice new squonky thing you deserve it sir
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