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Tank case


Jun 12, 2019
Just wondering how/if people carry another tank, when im out on a walk i like to dtl my horizontech falcon king but when im around shops ,people or in a public area etc i tend to mtl my innokin zlide, do people switch there tank and if so how do they carry there tank safely or do they just put it in there pocket and hope it doesnt break or leak.......
I think most of us who want to vape on different tanks or atomisers when out and about, carry multiple mods with their chosen tanks on them, rather than swapping tanks around.
Just got me thinking as once i have my wallet,spare change,mobile phone, house keys, spare coil and juice there's no room for another mod in my pockets and thought of just the tank would save me buying a coat with bigger pockets... :)
I just MTL when out and about and accept it, home's for clouds.
Just wondering how/if people carry another tank, when im out on a walk i like to dtl my horizontech falcon king but when im around shops ,people or in a public area etc i tend to mtl my innokin zlide, do people switch there tank and if so how do they carry there tank safely or do they just put it in there pocket and hope it doesnt break or leak.......

I take 2 or 3 mods to work every night it's easier than swapping tanks.
I mostly mtl
. but when im out for a walk I like to take the cloud chucker To use and aslo take a small pod filled with nic salts to swap to incase I go to a crowded area.
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