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Teflon Drip Tips

NON STICK ...........mmmmmmmmmmm must fit some of these on the wife's Viva Novas, as things that she has been sucking on always end up looking the worse for wear
Watch them toggles near that lathe Jim :D

Ah but the toggles on my Anorak are SPECIAL


No takers for a competition. So looks like those tips will go the same way as every reject has. They get dropped into someone's package as spares.

When I make a few tips, they go through the soapy water wash, the rinse, o-ring fitting, then tested for good fit + any imperfections under magnification. I reject about 1 in 10. A bad day could see 2 rejects.

I often thought that Teflon will be like metal. Scrap can be weighed in & melted down. Like most, I wouldn't have a clue where to take it + I don't anticipate ever having a cwt of reject Teflon
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Ah but the toggles on my Anorak are SPECIAL

View attachment 11615

No takers for a competition. So looks like those tips will go the same way as every reject has. They get dropped into someone's package as spares.

When I make a few tips, they go through the soapy water wash, the rinse, o-ring fitting, then tested for good fit + any imperfections under magnification. I reject about 1 in 10. A bad day could see 2 rejects.

I often thought that Teflon will be like metal. Scrap can be weighed in & melted down. Like most, I wouldn't have a clue where to take it + I don't anticipate ever having a cwt of reject Teflon

Ptfe cannot be easily recycled as once it formed that's it.......needs to be reduced to micro particles to be re-used.......useless scrap of info for anoraks ! LOL
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