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Testing server speed


Staff member
Jul 10, 2012
I have been researching this server slowdown problem.
It looks to be the review module.

I have disabled it for now, let me know if there's an improvement

Thank you!!
Funnily enough, the last minute or so I thought the speed went up and then looked at your post - flying normally for me again now - nice and fast.
yep all good, pages load instantly, as do multi tabs/pages. Think you've cracked it Sir! Well done & Thank You.
Honestly OH

on my end it's the adserver that's the hang point when am posting

am using latest firefox win 7 pro 64bit

seems to be alittle faster when posting this and editing but when i click the what's new? tab the only thing i see is waiting for adserver but seems faster
The adserver is effectively the same server - there should be no unrealistic delay, strange if that's the case!
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