Thanks for all the replies and feedback. I like the idea of a tank, but I got one and the two holes in the XL Bogue weren't big enough or something, the burnt taste is enough to put anyone off the first time. Kinda gave up on it, although I've started replacing, cleaning and fiddling about with things now. Is nail polish remover ok for cleaning cleartomisers? A bit harsh I reckon but it works. Any ideas for juices would be appreciated, not really a baccy flavour man. To be honest the vaping experience is one I like to distance from the stinkies. It took my mum a while to get to grips with this idea but now she prefers the juice. I prefer her to vape too. It's kind of a team effort to avoid the ideology of smoking, to treat vaping as a pleasure, not as an addiction.
Hiya & welcome to POTV.
The burnt taste with the Boges is usually caused by insufficient juice supply to the wick. As you've said, if the holes in the cart aren't big enough is one of the usual suspects and the other is using a high VG ratio juice. If you fancy trying more cartos then you can get dual coil cartos with the holes already done. The drawback with these though, is that they can have quite a heavy amp draw and some devices don't like em much. I found I got on better with XL Boges, but I settled on 'slotting' em with a dremmel rather than punching holes in em (if you go too deep with the hole, the carto casing can push in too far and short out on the coil).
When you ask about the nail varnish remover are you talking about cleaning off glue residue from the outer of the carto if you strip off a coloured covering? If so, then yes it should be ok.
If you mean is it ok for cleaning the wadding/inner then no, I wouldn't advise it. If you want to try cleaning the innards then warm water will do it (although they're really meant to be disposable so a lot of folk just chuck em when they start to clog up) and leave to dry off overnight.
As for juices suggestions, taste is very subjective and one person's favourite might taste horrid to somneone else ... but that said, my favourite juice is Green Cow from Decadent Vapours. It's a take on energy drinks and contains caffeine ( it works like an energy drink too ... can have you bouncing off the walls if you cane it

). If you don't fancy the caffiene, they do a decaff version called DV Green. Some folk hate the taste of it, but I love it. I mix up my own menthol using menthol crystals so can't really recommend a particular juice from personal use, but Grizwald's juice is spoken of highly by other folk, so might be worth a looksee?
Have fun experimenting and happy vaping.