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The deadly crusade against e-cigarettes




Experts meeting in Seoul this week want to ban a sure-fire way to prevent death from smoking.

By Gilbert Ross M.D.

Today is "The Great American Smokeout" -- an appropriate day to take a moment to spare a thought for the 44 million Americans in the grip of a deadly addiction. Over half of all smokers tried to quit last year, and an estimated 443,000 died from cigarette-related illness.

Public health officials made great strides in reducing the prevalence of smoking, beginning with the groundbreaking Surgeon General's report in 1964. Back in the 1970s, 2 out of every 5 adults puffed: now about 1 in 5 do -- but what's left seems to be a coterie of hardcore addicts for whom the officially approved methods of smoking cessation just don't work. Figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last week reveal the sad truth: The U.S. made no progress toward reducing smoking rates in 2011, and has made very little since 2005.

When it comes to smoking cessation, public health officials are out of ideas -- and it shows. Delegates from more than 140 countries that are party to the World Health Organization's anti-tobacco treaty, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), are meeting in Seoul, South Korea, this week, and high on their agenda is banning or further restricting the best hope for slowing this catastrophe: harm reduction through electronic cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products.
you know everytime i read an article like this, one thing always sticks out. Every tactic used today is all about making smoking anti-social and an unacceptable thing todo. They seem more concerned that e-cigs willmake smoking socially acceptable again than with the actual impact of the devices or liquid, is it just me picking it up or is their current method to stop smoking forever worldwide to just let itself die out, eventually all hardocre smokers will die anyway, eventuallt smoking will be so overpriced and anti-social we wont have any new starters.

Anyway, sorry in a grouchy mood this am, good article thanks for sharing
I believe smoking will never be socially acceptable again...why? Because vaping will be the new socially accepted alternative TO smoking :P

honestly, just cause some one has a PHD or is in government, doesnt fill them with common sense thinking abilities. I wish it did.
honestly, just cause some one has a PHD or is in government, doesnt fill them with common sense thinking abilities. I wish it did.
My Father was a scientist yet despite being highly intelligent,when my Mother divorced him after 35 years he was adamant that she wasn't entitled to anything & I often spent several hours talking him round to the truth which was she'd invested just as much in the house as he had,he'd agree & then spout off in the next breath "all your mother wants is money,money,money & I'm not giving her any" He did eventually though.

I regularly hear people say that "MP's should have to have worked in a real job before they can opt to become an MP" That way,they might have a clue just how fkn hard it can be to live with some of the idiotic policies they vote in!
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