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The Diacetyl Dilemma

Wank 'n Vape - British

Vank 'n Wape - Dutch

Fokker - German
Look at it like this, if it gets us closer to the pits of hell we can all burn their together, flame on !:D
I'm just coming up to my 4 years vaping and I'm not dead, hell i'm not even slightly ill. I know other vapers who have been vaping even longer and they seem to be in pretty good health too. I'm not too concerned.

what I would be very interested to see (although it might still be too early to tell as vaping really has only come into its own properly in the last 2 years) is proper statistics showing the rates of popcorn lung and any other condition that are linked to vaping/respiratory problems. I'm pretty sure that rates will have, at worst, stayed the same and possibly dropped. As the OP said, most of the "nasties" in eliquid are already in cigarettes but in far higher quantities.

I do have more of a problem with honesty though. Everyone needs to be using a universal method of testing so there can be no question of the integrity of the results. If everyone is in the same playing field then we all know where we stand. And if a company States in plain English that their juice does or does not contain such and such, they had better be telling the truth unless they really want the full fury of the vaping community's witch finder generals raining down on them.
We have had at some point a couple of longer term vapers even on here... not many... but at 10 years plus... I know that is a small sample... but such people do exist. .. and yet no long term studies into the health effects? Maybe we need a database of 5 years plus vapers... ok... am a way off joining them yet and as I do still smoke a bit I wouldn't be a valid test subject for even longer... but in the words of Granny Weatherwax... I Aten't dead yet...
I'm unsure whether diacetyl and its ilk causes disease. It's not proven to me. It's on a piece of paper or e-doc that it causes this but other pieces of paper and e-docs say that.

I've changed my mind on diacetyl causing popcorn lung. I tend to flop about on the interweb reading all sorts of stuff and get confused.

I read the following and some of the pdf downloads...

Diacetyl / Popcorn Workers Lung | Defending Science

So I'm now reasonably convinced of it's nastiness but will still eat popcorn, vape and keel over at a suitable moment.
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