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the dreaded diacetyl

Check this video out mate, totally debunks the whole diacetyl / popcorn lung scare - and entertaining too :)

Hey there! here a bit of reassuring education from a vendor who makes 3 custard flavors and tested them even before tpd was heard off.

So here we go

when I sent my ivory pippin of for testing, traces of diacetyl was found in my original ivory pippin this issue was raised to the flavoring company after few month they brought out V2 which was said to contain no diacetyl, surely enough i went back to get it tested once reformulated and it came back with 0.0001% detection limit so they were testing the liquid proper deep to go down to that ! Lord and behold no diacetyl was found.
I think a lot of custard now will be made with V2 custard ( depending on quality )

If you want to eliminate diacetyl risk it is found in loads of American dessert liquids, so would try to avoid that if you are not comfortable with having high exposure! Don't take my word for it check the side of the bottles it even says it on a lot of them whether it contains diacetyl or not.
The bullshit surrounding diacetyl has always been a load of overblown, unproven bollocks!!

The biggest problems are with fuckwits and know it alls that see or hear something completely unrelated, find a link and then RELENTLESSLY push pure conjecture and speculation out as fact. In this day and age, unfortunately there's just no stopping it and people making claims that certain chemicals are linked to and/or causing damage may do some research, but the trouble is, they research it from other fuckwits online who also never researched the whole thing properly in the first place either. They never source their information from truly reliable sources and PROPERLY research it all, they half arse it from their own sitting room instead of getting down to a library or contacting those that truly do know something about it all. Shit rolls downhill and here we are.

Now we're stuck with a situation where there were some GREAT custards and dessert liquids that are now absolutely VILE as a result :(. I continued vaping liquids I knew contained diacetyl, still have concentrates with diacetyl and I'm not gonna stop using them. But, that's my choice. It just chaps my arse when a handful of absolute idiots truly do spoil it for the majority and for what?? To get hits on a blog or a bloody YouTube channel :(. Pricks!!

Diacetyl causing damage to vapers is in the same league as Unicorns, Leprechauns and trustworthy politicians!!
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