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The E-cigarette Summit




The E-cigarette Summit
The e-Cigarette Summit will take place at the Royal Society, London on the 12th November 2013 and will provide a vital and timely international opportunity for scientists, policymakers and public health professionals to come together and debate the future of e-cigarettes in context of proposed prohibitions for their sale and the potential impact of categorising e-cigarettes as medical devices rather than consumer products.

E-cigarettes are a relatively new phenomenon – the result of a consumer led revolution – which has grown rapidly, with sales doubling annually for the last 4 years. Currently there are an estimated 7 million users across Europe and over 1.3 million in the UK alone.

Current proposals contained within the forthcoming EU Tobacco Directive will see Britain and the EU move to regulate e- cigarettes as medical products. This new distinction will have far reaching implications and consequences for the availability and efficacy of e-cigarettes as an alternative to tobacco based products.

The Summit will include presentations and panel debates from leading scientists, public health officials, policy makers and health campaigners and will provide a neutral platform to explore available evidence and issues.
It looks very 'weighted' towards the Healthcare industry, and that, IMO is where the problem could lie, as there are many professionals that see the e-cig culture as another evil in the whole tobacco industry.

Before anyone flames me, i know that e-cigs are huge gulf away from tobacco, but therein lies the problem, too many people think they are same.

I hope and pray that the summit will enlighten people as to the good ecigs will do, and are not misguided by ramblings and half cocked scaremongering.

I for one, think e-cigs should be left as they are, i went from hard core smoker to vaping only in a day, if it worked for me i am sure it will work for many others, and ANY lives saved by vaping can only ever be a good thing!
Interesting... I see Mr Mean is attending to explain the MHRA's proposed legislation.

I hope the tosser gets ripped to shreds (verbally of course ;) ) by the likes of Clive Bates, Dr Farsalinos and Professor Etter who are also listed as attending.
Do you think it will be filmed? Would be interesting to watch, I'd love to go but couldn't be trusted not to shout at Mr Mean or pelt him with rotten eggs!
Do you think it will be filmed? Would be interesting to watch, I'd love to go but couldn't be trusted not to shout at Mr Mean or pelt him with rotten eggs!

That and it costs a load to be there.

We actually got invited to this to speak but had to turn it down.
How much would it cost? Maybe start a thread to collect donation pledges to see it we could get anywhere near the target in time?
I wonder if there will be any vapers outside to protest at the proposals?? A bit like what they did at Brussels??
Its 500 euros before a certain date then 550 after I think. Thats just to attend if you are a business.
I take it your going on the assumption, that they would actually let living proof that vaping works, through the door.
I take it your going on the assumption, that they would actually let living proof that vaping works, through the door.

that is the point of this summit, to present both sides and argue it :)
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