ADV - All Day Vape. Your e-liquid of choice for regular usage.
Analog - Traditional tobacco cigarette
APV - Advanced personal vaporizer. a high end piece of vaping equipment or a mod.
Atty/Atomiser - electric coil that vaporises e-juice to create vapour
BCC - Bottom Coil Cartomiser – e.g. EVOD, Protank, Davide
Cable.- Stainless steel wire rope used as a wicking agent in Genesis style RBA
Carto/Cartomiser - sealed unit containing an atty, a wicking material and e-juice used with a battery to vape. Often refillable with e-juice
Clearo/Clearomiser - similar to a carto although it is usually a see through unit, so that you can see the level of e-juice remaining. Refillable
Coil - wire coil in an atomiser, that acts as a heating element for vaporising e-juice, to create vapour
Condom/condom fill method - technique of filling cartomiser using its rubber cap
DC/DCC - Dual Coil/Dual Cartomizer e.g. iclear
Drip Tip - mouth piece on a PV
Dripping - adding e-juice directly to the wick/coil area of an atty, as opposed to a tank style unit. Good for changing/testing new flavours.
Dry burn - firing an atomiser dry (with no e-liquid) to clean the coil
e-liquid/e-juice - flavoured liquid that is added to an vaporiser to create vapour. 100s of flavours are available including fruit, tobacco and more exotic recipes (e.g. vanilla custard!). Comes with or without nicotine
ECCA UK - Electronic Cigarette Consumer Association UK
IMR - A battery with lower internal resistance and a high discharge rate, good for high drain applications like e-cigarettes
LED - Light emitting diode. a small light often fitted to a battery or PV to indicate its on/off status or to indicate battery charge level and for LED screens.
LR - Low Resistance (Atomizer/Cartomizer)
LT – Lavatube
mAh - Milliamp hour. indicates the charge capacity of a battery, the higher the mAh number the longer a battery will last between charges. (A milliamp is a 1/1000th of an Amp. Ah = Amp hour)
mg - milligram (often used as measure of nicotine per ml of e-liquid)
Mix - Ratio of PG and VG in e-juice. e.g. 50/50, 70/30 etc
Mod - Modification. Referring to a high end piece of vaping equipment
Mod - Forum Moderator
Nic – Nicotine
Ohm - unit of electrical resistance, used in reference to coils
OLED - A type of LED screen. A new type of easier to read LED screen now being fitted to some higher end PVs.
OP - Original Post or Poster
Passthrough (PT) - A USB adapter for the Electronic Cigarette which screws onto the atomizer like a battery, but draws power from a USB port.
PCC - Personal Charging Case / Portable Charger Case
PG - Propylene Glycol. One of the main ingredients of e-juice mix. More PG gives more throat hit
PM - Private Message
PV - personal vaporiser. device used for vaping
RBA - Re-Buildable Atomiser. Used for atomisers which require the user to wrap their own coils. (You can do your own coils for most clearomisers, but you don't have to)
RDA - rebuildable dripping atomiser
RTA - rebuildable tank atomiser
SR - Standard Resistance (Atomizer/Cartomizer)
S.S - Stainless steel construction. Also applies for a stainless steel meshed wick.
Tank - e-juice container on a PV
TH - throat hit
vape/vaping - the use of electronic device to create and inhale vapour. with or without nicotine
VG - Vegetable Glycerine. One of the main ingredients of e-juice. More VG gives more vapour cloud.
VV - Variable Voltage
VW - Variable wattage
Wick - method of transferring e-juice to the atomiser, usually a silica cord
wtf - "I don't understand that"