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The New Abyss AIO from Suicide mods

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Yeah total cluterfuck of a launch imo , honeydicked everyone with bullshit for a week, then just fuck everyone over with going back on what they've been telling everyone
Twice out of stock of the chosen colour whilst I was partially through a checkout. Bit of a shit show but got the bits I wanted eventually.
Can't see what all the fuss is about, these will be down below £50 in 3 months. It is just another pod but with a heavy price tag, not a suprise when you got 2 or 3 companies or reviewers with their fingers in the pie. Why buy one if you own a Billet box is another question i have 1 but rarely use it. I think my £100 will be better spent on a Lost Vape Thelema250c. At least i will use that. I guess this new Pod system has been overhyped by youtubers and their followers. Sorry but i dislike pod systems they are a rabbit hole in themselves, revising every month or 2.
Decided I'm not in any hurry to get one now. Interested to see how this all pans out.
Decided I'm not in any hurry to get one now. Interested to see how this all pans out.

Same here Rew. I still want to learn more about the airflow, weight and general performance of it. I want to see some detailed reviews and, most importantly, I’m not short of stuff to vape on whilst I wait. I can use my billet box, my SXK jarg version or my new AIO. Is the Abyss better than any of those? We’ll see.

The hype around this is pretty good to be fair. It’s been a while since I saw this sort of clamour. All good for the wider industry which has been really struggling with innovation for some time now. I look forward to hearing what the early adopters have to report...
Same here Rew. I still want to learn more about the airflow, weight and general performance of it. I want to see some detailed reviews and, most importantly, I’m not short of stuff to vape on whilst I wait. I can use my billet box, my SXK jarg version or my new AIO. Is the Abyss better than any of those? We’ll see.

The hype around this is pretty good to be fair. It’s been a while since I saw this sort of clamour. All good for the wider industry which has been really struggling with innovation for some time now. I look forward to hearing what the early adopters have to report...

Agree. Also, there are a lot of extras which could bump the overall cost up. So I would need to be pretty sure it's worth the outlay.
On the SM site they have the Ether RBA available. I suppose that would fit in the BB?
Yeah I was hoping the ether rba and Caliburn g would fit but apparently not. Shame.
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