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The Recommended Drip Tip Database

Just ordered $33.38 USD or about £25 or £1.25 each


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Drip Tip quest / 2

I recently bought this drip tip from Armerah: Armerah Tiny 510 Drip Tip eCig Mouthpiece Short/Narrow Zirconia/Steel.

There is an outer shell made of hard ceramic fitted on a stainless steel core. The ceramic ensures a cool contact with your delicate lips.
Bit expensive at £5.99 but very good quality. Surface really smooth and shiny.
Visible length: 13mm, outer diameter: 10mm, bore diameter: 5mm throughout. A bit wider than what I normally use for MTL.

510-drip-tip-tiny-zirconia-stainless-narrow-colours_2nd.jpg 510-drip-tip-zirconia-stainless.jpg Zirconia Drip Tip on Fireluke 22.jpg

Third photo is the drip tip on a Freemax Fireluke 22.
I like it very much, it feels very good.

Edit: I have just seen it is also available at $3.92 from Fasttech:
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If you like the Neeko drip tip, a few vendors on AliExpress have clones of them for sale.

No black ones sadly, just smoked, white, a kind of cream colour, and Urin...erm Ultem.

Bought mine from Cloudworkz. Usually takes 9-12 days to arrive with the AliExpress standard shipping.

And if you're impatient there's some up on eBay sold by 'foggygrove' ( search for 510 mtl drip tip ),but they're twice as expensive.
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