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The terrible Stench of tobacco!!!%%$$&&**££"""


Nov 13, 2013
Just had a friend in my lounge; he sat for 3 hours chain smoking cigarettes; i opened all windows in my flat even the front and back door whilst he was here but the terrible stench was really getting to me. I felt almost physically sick whilst he was here from breathing in the same smoke. I have only been totally off cigarettes for 40 days but already I find i am almost totally intolerant to the smell of burning tobacco. They say ex smokers are the fussiest around smokers and this has certainly proven true in my case. Unfortunately a lot of my friends are serious smokers and visit regularly. I'm going to have to insist on No smoking in my flat from now on, the smell is just TOO sickening, i now find it too much . Anyone else have this problem? Thanks...
I've been off the stinkies since Feb 4th this year and can honestly say that ciggie smoke doesn't bother me too much now-it did at first though.

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I hate the smell of smoke now,been 10 months since a stinkie has polluted my lungs.
Not bothered me either but never been in a room with a chain smoker. I would have brough out a mod and fired it up and show the smoking friend what he's missing ;)
the actual smoke doesnt bother me infact sometimes i get a homer moment and think MMMmmmmmmmm smokeeeee. but the smell of smokers really gets my stomache churning and think this alone will stop me ever going back to the horrible things..
Anyone else have this problem? Thanks...

I'd say the only problem would be if nobody came to visit you any more just because they can't smoke in you pad. Ask 'em nicely mate, they ought to respect your wishes. You might have to explain yourself for their sakes but honestly, i couldn't put up with that. Even when i smoked i could never sit in a room full of smoke, used to open my mates window when he wasn't looking.
I suppose that non-smokers are kind of used to the smell of fags from smokers they know, but as a relatively new vaper all of a sudden I can smell it for the first time in a long time. I'm sure your smoking friends would understand, it might help to talk to them about it when you're not at your flat so the next time they visit it's been covered.
I'd be rather hypercritical as have sat around smoking infront of many peole and no one ever really complained, people do ask if ok to smoke round mine and the clean ash tray on the side says it all, just blow your lovely vape in plumes aand taste the goodness of flavours don't have time to inhale there straights. :D
Even when i smoked i never smoked in my house.......

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