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The "What Flavours Are You Vaping Today?" Thread

Riot Squad Purple is the juice for today. On the way to the shop to pick up some Lychee ice I've heard good things any recommendations on brand?
What's with Manabush heard alot of people talking about it, are they all tobacco flavours? If so what would be the closest to a b&h gold lol.

You will never get a Liquid that vapes like a B&H or any other Cig so i haved saved you some wasted time searching for 1. Manabush make Dessert type Tobacco Flavours, The Nanabozho i am using if it isn't obvious by the name is Banana. They blend loads of different one with Custard,Caramel and Nuts being just a few. You should ask @ZT who is the man in charge at Manabush. They are my favourite Liquids by far with Chiricahua Sun and Waxahachie being 2 of my favourites.
You will never get a Liquid that vapes like a B&H or any other Cig so i haved saved you some wasted time searching for 1. Manabush make Dessert type Tobacco Flavours, The Nanabozho i am using if it isn't obvious by the name is Banana. They blend loads of different one with Custard,Caramel and Nuts being just a few. You should ask @ZT who is the man in charge at Manabush. They are my favourite Liquids by far with Chiricahua Sun and Waxahachie being 2 of my favourites.
Lol thanks for the heads up l, I'm not big on dessert flavours but been having a looks at the site I see a few I quite like the sound of but oh would I love yo have something that's close to a gold
Lol thanks for the heads up l, I'm not big on dessert flavours but been having a looks at the site I see a few I quite like the sound of but oh would I love yo have something that's close to a gold
So with Tobaccos - you are not going to find anything that tastes like the burned tobacco from a b and h or any other burned tobacco - what you “might” find is something that tastes like the smell of an opened pack of said cigarettes. Although its normally not as nuanced as brands.

its easier to find a Virginia or a Burley or cigar than a lamberts, b and h or camel, again though - they taste like the smell of said leaf.

Straight tobaccos can in some (but not all) cases be quite one dimensional

this is why a lot of people end up on tobacco and somethings - the “something” doesn't have to be very strong especially - just there to add more dimensions to the base flavour.

We do some straight tobaccos These days, and we have tried to make them a bit more multi-faceted by blending different tobacco notes.

by far our most popular though are our tobacco and somethings - if that makes sense?
So with Tobaccos - you are not going to find anything that tastes like the burned tobacco from a b and h or any other burned tobacco - what you “might” find is something that tastes like the smell of an opened pack of said cigarettes. Although its normally not as nuanced as brands.

its easier to find a Virginia or a Burley or cigar than a lamberts, b and h or camel, again though - they taste like the smell of said leaf.

Straight tobaccos can in some (but not all) cases be quite one dimensional

this is why a lot of people end up on tobacco and somethings - the “something” doesn't have to be very strong especially - just there to add more dimensions to the base flavour.

We do some straight tobaccos These days, and we have tried to make them a bit more multi-faceted by blending different tobacco notes.

by far our most popular though are our tobacco and somethings - if that makes sense?
Hmm well that was a detailed explanation haha thanks for the insight, guess I'll have to just put an order in and see what my taste buds tingle too I can see there's a variety bundle so probably would be the go too. Thanks again for the detail appreciate it
Hmm well that was a detailed explanation haha thanks for the insight, guess I'll have to just put an order in and see what my taste buds tingle too I can see there's a variety bundle so probably would be the go too. Thanks again for the detail appreciate it
No problem!
Fugly Blue Raspberry Creampie salts in a Bishop Cubed.

Supergood Butter 06 in a Profile Unity.
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