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The "What Flavours Are You Vaping Today?" Thread

I use Kanthal the most but am a fan of Ni80, i prefer Ni80 Mesh to the others though and it's my most used Mesh.
I'm still trying to get my head around Kanthal coils, the app I've got that tells me how many twists I need to achieve a desired temp level says I need 15-17 and that seems like a lot when my Ni80 coils have 6. I'm worried about damaging something so I'm trying to get to grips with Ohms law better before I dabble too much.
Do you find that SS coils can work with certain juices? I think they're great with anything with a lime flavour but everything else seems to be ruined by stainless.

Not really, but then I only really vape bakery/dessert type flavours so if a coil/mesh type doesn't work well for me with those then it's a no-go.

Carrying on from our strawberry conversation in your review thread, I found a bottle of Aisu Yoguruto Strawberry & Cream in the cupboard yesterday that I'd forgotten I'd bought and it's lovely. It does have a very subtle hint of koolada l which as I said before, I normally don't like but for some reason I don't mind it in this one. Maybe because it's a 50/50 salt so I'm using it for MTL... I definitely can't handle cooling when vaping DL!

Today I'm also vaping the Vapable Strawberry Shortcake bottleshot that I've had steeping since the end of July. It's definitely much nicer now that it was a few weeks ago, but still tastes a bit too DIY for me. I'll revisit it in another couple of weeks (still got around 230ml left!).
I'm still trying to get my head around Kanthal coils, the app I've got that tells me how many twists I need to achieve a desired temp level says I need 15-17 and that seems like a lot when my Ni80 coils have 6. I'm worried about damaging something so I'm trying to get to grips with Ohms law better before I dabble too much.

It can all depend on what ohm's your looking at, if i am using single standard wire i usually do a 7 wrap 28 gauge for MTL, i make my own coils for DTL Builds, I think the 7wrap build is usually round about 1 ohm, i have started doing single core Claptons for my MTL Builds now 28+38 gauge.
Just started a bottle of @Chris K's Roseus. Very nice indeed :)

^Ditto, one of my favourite e-liquids, sadly on the last of it and I've promised myself not to buy anymore until my drawer is clear of bottles (gonna be a while :() got some Britannia custard left atleast. :)

Got two things on the go at the moment, both rookie stuff just to get me going until the good stuff is done steeping:

  • Steamtrain Timekeeper - I promised to myself never to buy this one again due to the cinnamon that rips my throat to shreds, but got duped in a shop in Greece where they told me the new formulation (called +PLUS) is less sweet, less cinnamon and more bakery. It isn't any of this and still rips my throat up.
  • 10% RY4D, no pyrazine, no graham cracker, just RY4D. I can vape this forever.
Got some good stuff steeping though, once I get the cigs out of my system (last cig smoked about two weeks ago, taste and smell still crap) I will start really enjoying this.
  • Rope Cut Dark Thirty (Rum, plum and tobacco)
  • Rope Cut Skipper (Custard and tobacco)
  • Five Pawns Grandmaster and Castle Long for when I am feeling rich - these will be for the Taifuns, the Grandmaster for the GSL and Castle Long for the GT4
  • DIY Goofy's Juice (the classic RY4D, FW hazelnut, TPA pyrazine, peanut butter, graham cracker clear goodness) - this will be for the Steamcrave Ragnar RDTA I just bought, or the Titan, or both.
  • Chef's:
    • Welsh Custard - classic, done litres of this and still consider it the best custard
    • Tarte au citron - this is cloudy after a week's steep, and has some blobs floating which tells me it must have some oil based...
    • RY Whore - this is smelling as nice and lewd and promiscuous and dirty as I remember it
    • RY4 Cookie - never had this one but RY4 and biscuit is something I can vape forever
Got a few on the go. four I have with me are
Iced tropicade
Hazelnut tobacco
Monkey brek.
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