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Thoughts on the fogger/orchid


Aug 16, 2014
Ok guys I'm thinking of a new tank and fancy one of the above.
I've got 2 taifun gt's at mo but don't like them flavour just seems so muted. So want to try something else, watched twisted420's review on the orchid the other day and it looks great but had email from elegant vapours today with good deals on the fogger. Fogger v4 £9, v4.3 £14 v5 £18 compared to around £25 for the orchid so what do you all think of yours.
Best version? Is it worth the extra for the orchid?
Beginning to wonder if I'm expecting too much from a tank, but I get I would say 50% less flavour out of the taifun' compared to a dripper which is just shit. I've just ordered a used aerotank giant to go on my hades to see if there's any improvements but would prefer a rebuildable.
I got my Orchid this weekend and JUST got the hang of building it. After you figure out the kinks of the temperamental little thing, it's really a nice vape. Very nice flavor off my 100% VG juice. I have some 70/30 pg/vg on the way and I'm really excited to see how the flavor is off that.
Got my orchid v3 from puff place for £12.50 + £1 postage. Found it very easy to build and wick (less is more). Over the moon with it, great vapour, great taste
I've got an Orchid v2, a v3 and a v4 on the slow boat from China. Never tried a fogger, but anything that can tear me away from my beloved KFL's like an Orchid can has to be worth my vote
Orchids a dripper, but with a tank...
I run mine at 0.4 ohms. Loovely.
Even.better with 18mg manabush
I just got my v4 orchid and its one of the best vapes I have ever had. Its a beast. This thing pumps massive vapor dripper style. I have a 0.6 ohm build with 28 gauge on a 2.5 mm bit and and Max vg juice. No dry hits.....yes really its crazy and taking 4 large pulls a time and just perfect. Flavor is not as good as my erlkonigin but vapor wise it blows it out of the water. Also no leaks. Without doubt the best tank I have from FT. Really If anyone is on the fence just get it bacause its a super tank. Only big tank I have never tried is squape reloaded and this is sublime.....sorry large post but highly recommended
Ok guys I'm thinking of a new tank and fancy one of the above.
I've got 2 taifun gt's at mo but don't like them flavour just seems so muted. So want to try something else, watched twisted420's review on the orchid the other day and it looks great but had email from elegant vapours today with good deals on the fogger. Fogger v4 £9, v4.3 £14 v5 £18 compared to around £25 for the orchid so what do you all think of yours.
Best version? Is it worth the extra for the orchid?
Beginning to wonder if I'm expecting too much from a tank, but I get I would say 50% less flavour out of the taifun' compared to a dripper which is just shit. I've just ordered a used aerotank giant to go on my hades to see if there's any improvements but would prefer a rebuildable.

Lol I've started with the same set up, hades mod with a tai fun gt found the same muted taste with flavours and was looking at the fogger or orchid decided to go for orchid as didn't like the look of how the fogger went together. Real happy with the orchid v4 easy to work on just got to get the wicking right but worth any teething hassle doing it!!

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Any recommendations on where to get one from uk? tempted but cba waiting for ft.

An orchid that is :)
mine came in 6 days from shipped to door using china post. It has been very reliable now its shocking. But for the price just get it. dont think. you will post thanks later Nd chuck in some goodies you will be so happy.
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