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Three European countries suspend use of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine

"Families, friends and shit" has no bearing on whether or not something is statistically anomalous. The facts are that people die from that specific condition regularly. Unvaccinated people. Just because some people who have been vaccinated also die from it doesn't automatically mean the vaccine caused it. It's about determining if the vaccine is a factor and that involves statistical analysis, not analysing whether the people who died had families and friends. Statistics aren't personal. They're about the numbers not the people behind the numbers. Doesn't mean those people or their deaths are insignificant. So, respectfully, I don't really get what point you're trying to make?
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Pulmonary embolism rate in Sweden is 1 per 1000 people.

3 million people vaccinated in Sweden with AstraZeneca.

Therefore they should have seen 3000 people die after being vaccinated from pulmonary embolism.

Therefore AstraZeneca protects against pulmonary embolism.

I did this maths on gin. I rock.
Pulmonary embolism rate in Sweden is 1 per 1000 people.

3 million people vaccinated in Sweden with AstraZeneca.

Therefore they should have seen 3000 people die after being vaccinated from pulmonary embolism.

Therefore AstraZeneca protects against pulmonary embolism.

I did this maths on gin. I rock.
OH got jabbed with it today ............. he's fine ................ sigh .................. :16:
OH got jabbed with it today ............. he's fine ................ sigh .................. :16:
And unfortunately for most people in here, I’m yet to die. Maybe after the second jab.
And unfortunately for most people in here, I’m yet to die. Maybe after the second jab.
If coronavirus couldn't fucking do it, I don't fancy the vaccine's chances! :18:
If i had to guess the most likely scenario, strictly based on the info in that vid, i would say it would be ppl either having contracted covid near the time they got the vaccine, or possibly from gathering in huge packs to get the vaccine.
Just as a point of interest.

The wife's Department of Invasive Homeopathy and Reiki at Big Hospital has just shut down today because a bunch of staff who had the Pfizer jab way back when all tested positive for C19 this morning.

That's cracking news, eh.
Just as a point of interest.

The wife's Department of Invasive Homeopathy and Reiki at Big Hospital has just shut down today because a bunch of staff who had the Pfizer jab way back when all tested positive for C19 this morning.

That's cracking news, eh.
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