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Three European countries suspend use of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine

Anyone else feel this has a political edge to it ?
I take back what I said previously (except that it can be politicised by the politically motivated). With the continuing developments - yes, I do.
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Populations kick up about slow inoculation rates, countries pick on the one jab they're struggling to get in sufficient numbers, blame the rise in positive tests on the "British variant".

It's clear politicking. Meanwhile people are going to die - now where have we seen this behaviour before?

From an online newspaper article this evening....

"Italy's medicines authority says suspension was 'political' as anger grows in Berlin over delay to vaccination program".
From an online newspaper article this evening....

"Italy's medicines authority says suspension was 'political' as anger grows in Berlin over delay to vaccination program".

Phrases like 'toys out of pram' and 'shooting self in foot' spring to mind.
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