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Three European countries suspend use of Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine

Im struggling with this..... I find it hard to believe that 12 countries or so..... would kill their own people just to shaft Boris for leaving a club.... by political do they simply mean politicians have decided to suspend against WHO and other medical advice.....if so that's what politicians do...they do their own thing at times...sure its a political decision....but really come on.
This was interesting:


AstraZeneca said its safety results for blood clotting conditions were “similar across other licensed COVID-19 vaccines”.

Professor Stephen Evans from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said the latest publicly available data showed there were 35 reported cases of thrombocytopenia (a low blood platelet disorder) out of 54,000 “yellow card” reports after nearly 10 million AstraZeneca vaccinations.

For the Pfizer vaccine there were 22 cases out of 33,000 reports and almost 11 million doses administered.

Prof Evans said: “It is clear that the proportion of reports for this bleeding disorder is not different in the two vaccines.”
Im struggling with this..... I find it hard to believe that 12 countries or so..... would kill their own people just to shaft Boris for leaving a club.... by political do they simply mean politicians have decided to suspend against WHO and other medical advice.....if so that's what politicians do...they do their own thing at times...sure its a political decision....but really come on.
AZ was supposed to deliver 100m doses first quarter. Dropped to 40. Big public row followed. Now they've dropped it to 30m! A lot of doses stockpiled in the EU with people refusing to take the vaccine. EU has asked Pfizer to supply extra doses because of the suspension and they've agreed. All this despite the people having had the Pfizer jab also having the same thrombotic problems and all evidence showing it's unrelated to the vaccines.

Seems to me like politics at play and an attempt at retaliation for AZ's perceived behaviour and to push Pfizer over AZ and an attempt to damage AZ's reputation even further. But who knows. It makes zero sense though if you remove sketchy politics from the equation. IMHO.

That's how it seems to me anyway. YMMV.
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AZ was supposed to deliver 100m doses first quarter. Dropped to 40. Big public row followed. Now they've dropped it to 30m! A lot of doses stockpiled in the EU with people refusing to take the vaccine. EU has asked Pfizer to supply extra doses because of the suspension and they've agreed. All this despite the people having had the Pfizer jab also having the same thrombotic problems and all evidence showing it's unrelated to the vaccines.

Seems to me like politics at play and an attempt at retaliation for AZ's perceived behaviour and to push Pfizer over AZ and an attempt to damage AZ's reputation even further. But who knows. It makes zero sense though if you remove sketchy politics from the equation. IMHO.

That's how it seems to me anyway. YMMV.

I suspect we will never know, what's reported is always questionable...... but killing your own people en masse unlikely
I suspect we will never know, what's reported is always questionable...... but killing your own people en masse unlikely
Killing their own people en masse? They've already proven that they'll slander the vaccine at the long term cost of their population's trust in the vaccine's safety. That they'd do it again shouldn't come as a surprise. And they've got the Pfizer doses at an increased rate. But I don't think they're exactly killing people en masse with this temporary suspension. And clearly neither do they or they'd still give the vaccine. If not giving it for such a short time kills en masse how does that compare to less than 100 thrombotic cases - many non fatal - per however x many million doses? Even if it was true and the vaccine caused it, it would be a far lesser evil than withholding it and killing en masse, surely?

But I'm open to any rational explanation you'd like to offer why they've stopped AZ vaccinations and not Pfizer contrary to all evidence and scientific opinions. Because I'm stumped for a valid reason ... Once you remove the politics and focus on the medical and scientific evidence.
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I cant see Ireland playing politics over this blot clot thing, they must have some real concerns :hmm:

At the end of the day what can one do? Take a chance with suffering from Covid, perhaps more than once - which apparently brings with it, a new set of problems. Also, not forgetting long covid. Or have the vaccine, maybe suffer from non life threatening but nonetheless life affecting side effects, like the rashes 21% of people reportedly suffer from, for some time, like weeks and stuff. Plus you might be one of, very very few people who die as a direct result of the vaccine.

I think there are some quite sinister and more prevalent side effects, with the covid vaccines, affecting more people than the scientists, politicians, pharma companies and doctors, care to admit to. I still don't see how I cannot have the vaccine though.
Killing their own people en masse? They've already proved they'll slander the vaccine at the long term cost of their population's trust in the vaccine's safety. That they'd do it again shouldn't come as a surprise. And they've got the Pfizer doses at an increased rate. But I don't think they're exactly killing people en masse with this temporary suspension.

But I'm open to any rational explanation you'd like to offer why they've stopped AZ vaccinations and not Pfizer contrary to all evidence and scientific opinions. Because I'm stumped for a valid reason ... Once you remove the politics and focus on the medical and scientific evidence.

I don't know the valid reasons why a dozen or so countries would suspend..... but I take notice when they do.
I take back what I said previously (except that it can be politicised by the politically motivated). With the continuing developments - yes, I do.
Same - the more i look at whats going on the more i think it

i know others will disagree
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