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tried OHs NRT gum

Based on poor reports i never used a patch or gum. I did the champix twice in two years & that was not nice stuff. Christ knows what's in that.
To me, vaping is the first viable option ever, we're just lucky to living in this time ... I think !
Tried em all, they taste like shite, all gave me a rotten headache, don't work and a waste of money. Tried vaping, eventually, and it worked. Tastes good, gwet a headache if I OD on nic, but that's self inflicted. Best of all I stopped smoking, my way, without the help of the shite tasting medically approved crap. Come the revolution this crap is the first thing to go on the bonfire.
Pepper, 'herbal' ciggies? HERBAL? yeah yeah! ;)
Patches, only way they work is of you put them on your eyes, you can't find your fags then!
mmmhmmm from a store rather than a dodgy alley or street corner!
To be fair, i tried some once, they were 79p for 20 back when you could smoke in a café.
I had the bright idea of trying one there, while 2 coppers were sat at the table next to me.
A very pungent weed aroma started drifting about.....
The gum tastes horrible. I tried the nasal spray - that irritated my nose and made it run. The mouthspray was horrendous, it burnt my throat and gave me hiccups. The patches made my skin itch.

Vaping - no side effects whatsoever.

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I tried patches which gave me a pain, headaches and itch. Read both Alan Carr books. Ate so much sweets and mints I'm surprised I still have teeth. Also been on the nico inhaler.. thats like licking an ashtray... Seriously!! The gum is still sitting in the drawer for the last year. Vaping is the way forward. Had two stinkies after a fight with the OH and came back in to have a vape and get rid of the nasty taste!

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The only thing I have used is the patches, I had no intentions of quitting, I was told by my dentist after getting 2 teeth pulled that I can't smoke for at least 2 days, The thought of not smoking nearly made me have a break down, I loved smoking, it wasn't just the nicotine addiction it was the inhaling. so used the patches for a couple of hours but then gave in and had a couple of lug on a tag, then a whole fag then by the end of the day I had finished a 20 box, but because I was still using the patches while smoking I had the most horrid headache, so thought fuck it I ain't trying them again, next thing I tried 6 months later was vaping, and because I still get to inhale my nicotine it worked, 8 weeks smoke free today 6pm :-)
I tried gum once for a long haul flight. As soon as I started chewing I got a burning sensation in the back of my throat, so decided to get drunk on tiny cups of aeroplane booze instead!
Patches used to give me some crazy ass dreams (that's 'crazy-ass dreams' NOT 'crazy ass-dreams'!) ;)

Steps to survive a long haul flight:

1. Plung! [the sound the 'call flight attendant buzzer makes] "Champagne please" - 2 mins later a tiny bottle and a plastic glass arrives....

2. Read some of a book.

3 Plung! "Champagne please" ...

4. Read more of book.

5. Plung! "Same again" ...

6. Repeat until text in book starts going a little fuzzy.

7. fall asleep

(ass dreams optional)
Steps to survive a long haul flight:

1. Plung! [the sound the 'call flight attendant buzzer makes] "Champagne please" - 2 mins later a tiny bottle and a plastic glass arrives....

2. Read some of a book.

3 Plung! "Champagne please" ...

4. Read more of book.

5. Plung! "Same again" ...

6. Repeat until text in book starts going a little fuzzy.

7. fall asleep

(ass dreams optional)

Nice to have the option I suppose! Ha!

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