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Review U sonicig Rhythm Kit coil free vaping.

They should sell it to the pharma industry as an innovative nrt.

I knew it would useless. I am assuming you did as well, mind.

Your small sample of coffee is in the post!

Yeah, that's kind of what it feels like it should be. If there was no such thing as vaping, it had never been invented, and someone just gave me this to help me keep the nic cravings away so I could quit smoking it might work.

I didn't have high hopes no, but I was curious to see what it would be like.

Cheers, I'll look forward to that.
Interesting. Is it like you’re spraying/ aerosol injecting into your throat or something?

no not at all .... it feels like just breathing in air with a bit of a funky taste more than anything.

It's pretty unpleasant.

I only mentioned nic sprays because that's how far away it is from a vape experience, but in a very different way. :)
Another piece of vaping rubbish that’s advertised everywhere as the best ever vaping experience and kit you could spend your money on..
And every review I’ve seen and read sung and shouted it’s praises as a great bit of kit..just shows you aye..
I think this daft looking device has the sort of aesthetic that would appeal to australians.
How odd... I’m getting an overwhelming feeling of deja vu after reading your feelings about reviews of that nature...

No doubt it was nothing to do with me, otherwise I’d have a sudden flashback regarding the resultant hostilities...

Another piece of vaping rubbish that’s advertised everywhere as the best ever vaping experience and kit you could spend your money on..
And every review I’ve seen and read sung and shouted it’s praises as a great bit of kit..just shows you aye..
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“ Sounds Awful “


no not at all .... it feels like just breathing in air with a bit of a funky taste more than anything.

It's pretty unpleasant.

I only mentioned nic sprays because that's how far away it is from a vape experience, but in a very different way. :)
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