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Unicorn mod/device

Strangely enough, Carol and I have been long time users of "The better be prepared for ANY eventuality" mind set. Really this came about in the first instance when we were traveling ridiculous miles around the UK and parts of Europe showing our Dogs. There was always a very real possibility that we could have met out Maker rather sooner than anticipated and our greatest concern was what should happen to the Dogs, especially those at home as we usually traveled with 3 who were being shown. All the people concerned were aware of our wishes and would scoop up all the dogs and then oversee our wishes for disposal of property etc.
Even now, everything is in place should either, or both of us shuffle off, The house and contents is signed over to a very dear friend and all other things are spoken for. I liked MartVB60's idea about the disposal of all his vaping gear etc, so have set up a similar plan. Yes it's morbid, but at least this way there's less stress for those that take over from us :)
It has made me start asking my friends though 'If I go, is there anything that is special to you and you would like?' ... it's a bit morbid and people don't like talking about
That reminds me of my mum.

"Have you heard about death cafes? They're wonderful! Where people can go to talk about dying, because nobody else really wants to talk about it. But it's such an important topic, and so fascinating my darling. And did you know "funeral" is an anagram of "real fun"?"

She never shied away from talking about dying, and even had a notebook with a bright yellow cover called "My RIP Book" where she listed all the things she wanted when she died (e.g.bubbles and balloons at the funeral). She was a character and seemed batshit crazy, but it was actaully really good becuase she was so light hearted about it, and it wasn't so much of a drama when she eventually did go.

.... just to derail the thread even further... sorry @VapeforScotland :18:
On to happier things :)
This was MY Unicorn Mod and one that I still miss to this day. The amazing HypnoStick Side By Side Mod. :worship::worship:

The fragility of life is not to be underestimated :11: And I’ve seen myself how the distribution of inheritance can be both unfair and even devastating. It may sound a bit sappy and sentimental, but material objects can connect us with both the living and ones we’d like to remember…

If you haven’t considered it, I recommend everyone to do a:

Swedish Death Cleaning

It is a terrible name for an excellent idea :18: The idea is to NOT leave a painful and tiring clean up for those who are left behind. Cleaning out your wardrobes, closets, and sheds so that most of the job is completed, is a true gift. At the same time, one can both reminisce and distribute the items to whom you think should have it. Or ensure that they’re accounted for in your will.

So that stabwood mod in a shoebox on the shelf you want your best mate to have, should the worst occur, will be looked after :)

Edit: and I apologize for adding further to the derailment :17:
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The fragility of life is not to be underestimated :11: And I’ve seen myself how the distribution of inheritance can be both unfair and even devastating. It may sound a bit sappy and sentimental, but material objects can connect us with both the living and ones we’d like to remember…

If you haven’t considered it, I recommend everyone to do a:

Swedish Death Cleaning

It is a terrible name for an excellent idea :18: The idea is to NOT leave a painful and tiring clean up for those who are left behind. Cleaning out your wardrobes, closets, and sheds so that most of the job is completed, is a true gift. At the same time, one can both reminisce and distribute the items to whom you think should have it. Or ensure that they’re accounted for in your will.

So that stabwood mod in a shoebox on the shelf you want your best mate to have, should the worst occur, will be looked after :)

Edit: and I apologize for adding a further to the derailment :17:
i remember, it was a clone of some obscure russian attie i think. if i recall right maybe @eyeball kid liked them too.
Can't think what that was as we did share and swap a lot of stuff.
I'm a bit of a pack rat and devil for buying backups for my backups, so chances are if I had it I've still got it.
Don't remember any Russian style clones but I know she loved the vapefly galaxy or galaxies which will be around somewhere. which can be set up to be very corolla like. Obviously she loved the original doggy too.
This may seem an odd one as my choice is a cheap Chinese mod, the Noisy Cricket 2-25.

Its the fact it can run in 4.2V, 8.4V bypass or in Variable Voltage with the potentiometer dial with basic safeties. I have mods that can do either but the NC2 is the only one I have that can do all three and, as I'm not much of a squonker or TC vaper is the only mod I own that caters for every type of vaping I regularly use.
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