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How To Uploading Photos


Jun 23, 2013
Hi. Any help would be appreciated. I do not seem to be able to upload pics to the forum. I get through all the rigmaroll of browse and find it, but when I click upload nothing happens, the upload box flashes but still no upload. Where am I going wrong?
Sounds like a question for the techies but could be your browser or try checking your general settings. I have no issues on iPad /safari or PC/windows IE
Hi. Any help would be appreciated. I do not seem to be able to upload pics to the forum. I get through all the rigmaroll of browse and find it, but when I click upload nothing happens, the upload box flashes but still no upload. Where am I going wrong?

What device are you using ? PC, Mac, Ipad, etc ?
It happened to me a few times too sometimes the site rejects the photo/pic without errors ( i use firefox and it tells you what's happening & sometimes hangs for awhile while uploading so it maybe timing out)
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Click Go Advanced.

Instead of clicking the photo frame, click the paper clip attachment.
2013-08-04 20.20.18.jpg Ha! Cracked it. Used the paperclip thingy, but also had to change my browser to Google Chrome, for some strange reason I still could not upload with IE.
I have the same problem. Can't upload pics with IE so now I just use chrome.
I have the same problem. Can't upload pics with IE so now I just use chrome.

IE has a problem with VB boards (the newer IE the bigger the problem)

IE is the worst of all browsers IMO.
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