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US School Bans Ecigs

The American Lung Association STILL says "Youre still smoking" Are you effing serious. Tweet to them @LungAssociation and get it right. Vaping is NOT smoking!
The American Lung Association spokes person says "there is also a lot of miss information out there".
I wander where most of that comes from.
The American Lung Association spokes person says "there is also a lot of miss information out there".
I wander where most of that comes from.

From orgs like them that risk out losing funding from BIG PHARMA if Big Pharma doesnt get their way.

FFS why do they think we are so stupid!!
American Lung association woman:

"there's a lot of misinformation out there" and then in the same breath "they contain a lot of toxic chemicals" and "we know nicotine is harmful to your health" the irony is strong in this one...

She's obviously a desk minion and not a science trianed health professional, but because she's an official spokesperson and was on the TV more people will listen to what she says than the guy who was on before hand who had actual lung problems, was on a lot of medication, and now after vaping rather than smoking for a whole year feels much better.
Isn't there grounds for legal action against organisations putting out blatant misinformation? Isn't it libelous against the firms that produce e-cigarettes and liquids? Like, I'm pretty sure that if I started a campaign claiming that, say, Walkers crisps contain fifteen different poisons and besides we know that potatoes cause brain cancer, I'd be literally buried underneath a pile of cease and desist notices and snarling lawyers.
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