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V3 Visions? Rebuild-able?



Are these the rebuild-able ones? I really enjoyed the last vision I had, which was a short wicked one, I have a long wick one as well which I haven't tried...

Are the rebuild-able ones ok?

Haven't tried the visions since they first came out, I think they were short wicks, are the V3's long wicked as well as rebuildable. Not much help am I :))

Love the beginning of this though...

LOL yeah I saw Busardos review, too funny :) I just like them cause theyre easy to deal with.
The rebuildable ones have the replacements heads. I've used all versions of these and the latest ones (v3 - I think...) are by far the best. Lighter draw, more throat hit and yes easy peasy to rewire and wick.
DocVape said:
The rebuildable ones have the replacements heads. I've used all versions of these and the latest ones (v3 - I think...) are by far the best. Lighter draw, more throat hit and yes easy peasy to rewire and wick.

ok good, I will order some with my next HC order, just to give em a go. They look nice on the Cube I have and on my ego batts.
The v 3's can be rebuilt you buy the coil, & wicks, just screw them together, they have long wicks, I got a couple for the airports when I go on hols
After using a bottom feeder, I need 3-4 in my mouth at once to get anywhere near the same affect
Hey USMMUK, how about a group order from HC and split the postage?
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