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Vamo SS 2.0 Question


Jul 9, 2013
hey all

Do I need to set the voltage level before going into VW mode. It's in No2 mode already checked and rechecked

I just put on a 2ml nova and put the watts to 6w and tried a vape got loads of vaper but little taste so up it to 7w and nice tastes very nice and better throat hit :)

But when I change back to volts it says 3v will that make any difference or does the wattage change the volts automatically ?


it changes by itself, the 3 values are interconnected, dont worry:-).
personally, somewhere between 7w and 8w is where most stuff works just fine
v w is great because it checks the ohms of your atty then sets the volts itself to give the power (watts) you have set. if you then put an atty on with different ohms it will adjust the volts to suit, giving you the same power again.
Hey @MadTz,

When you change back to VV from VW,or after removing and replacing the battery, the voltage will be automatically reset to 3v. It's a design feature of the Vamo.

It's to help protect your atomiser (and you) when you remove a higher resistance atomiser and put on a much lower resistance one. Let's say you're set to 6v (for argument's sake) and you have a 3ohm atomiser. (The values are quite exaggerated here for illustration purposes!!). The atomiser coil will be running at 12 watts of power and pulling 2 amps of current. Now,take the atomiser off and put in a 1.2 ohm one and fire it without changing your voltage settings. Now you're coil is going to be running at 30 watts of power and pulling 5 amps of current. Hot,hot,hot....very HOT and NOT good!!!! :grin2:

You set one or the other...VV or VW. You don't need to set them both up...in fact you can't. As somebody has already said here,probably the best option is to stick with VW because you can set it to where you like it and more or less forget it. That said,you may want to adjust it when you swap between different types of atomiser and e-liquids because they all have their own taste/vapour characteristic. BUt VW will always put you back in the ball park.
Things I discovered today when putting on a new 1.8ohm coil.

Do not pump up to 15volts after checking for hotspots and filling with juice.

The Vamo V2 candle is not a good look.
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