So is the vamo a good choice or is there a better option
The vamo is the cheapest mod with all that features.
To be fair, it's the only widely available mod with all that features. The Max series is much more expensive and lacks the extention tube I think.
You get variable wattage, high Amps, a very readable (but extremely luminous) display, ohms meter, battery meter, decent safety features, ability to use different size batteries.
Also, a decent well to prevent spillage.
On the minus side. So so assembly, buttons might be sticky, which can be tweaked by disassembling. Many ego atties will need an adapter as the connector is compatible but the well very narrow, so airflow will be constrained or some might not fit at all, like the evod.
Heavy, unless you get the stainless steel version, which is worth the extra cash.
As with most this circuits, if you try to go Lower than the lowest setting, like 3w or 3v, it switches to the highest setting, 6v or 15W. It never made much sense to me, if that happens while in your pocket, you might end up tasting napalm next time you fire it, and there is no lock mode like with lavatubes.
For the same reason, the mod might switch to mod1 without you realising, and checking that it's apain, as you have to keep the button pressed forever.
I hope they tweak a bit the interface in the next version.
Variable wattage won't give you better flavour than a VV, but will prevent attie frying when you switch froma 3ohm to a 1,5ohm and forget to Lower Voltage, things like that. And will require less tweaking when switching atties, often.
Also, with low resistance coils, 3 watts will give a cooler vape than 3volts, which seems to suggest that the vamo can output less than a 3v equivalent (it's an equivalent because the vamo is pulse output, rather than continuous)
Anyway, you are not going to find anything better, everything considered. Go stainless steel if you can.